App Store Holiday Schedule 2020
Posted on November 23rd, 2020
When is the App Store Holiday Schedule 2020? Learn about the dates of this year's shutdown and how to prepare.
We love data. As an App Store Intelligence platform, we have lots of it. Infographics are a natural fit for sharing some of the insights we have gleaned from our data collection and mobile marketing experiments and implementations. As we start to share our own unique insights via infographic - thought we could kick things off with a some mobile marketing stats from infographics we found helpful and interesting.
Kona Company Fun Data Point:
Mobile adoption growing 8x faster than the web did.
NeoMobile Fun Data Point:
75% of Pinterest Traffic via Mobile
IDG Fun Data Point:
Implied that Millennials are much more comfortable on smaller screens
Text Marketer via Social Media Examiner Fun Data Point:
76% open and view message sooner by SMS than by email
3 Sixty Interactive Fun Data Point:
46% of smartphone users say they
use mobile as the only tool for
Vertic Fun Data Point:
Tablet users convert at a rate 50% greater than on PCs, and are 5x as likely to have a $100k+ income. And one for the road:
When is the App Store Holiday Schedule 2020? Learn about the dates of this year's shutdown and how to prepare.
Apple's App Store Guidelines have strict privacy requirements. Developers now must provide information to users on the App Store listing regarding the data they access.
The Google Play Developer Console has been updated with a new design and adjusted tools. What's different, and how will it impact App Store Optimization?