ASO Academy

App Keyword Search Volume

March 31st, 2022

App Keyword Search Volume
Anh Nguyen

by Anh Nguyen

COO & Co-Founder at Gummicube, Inc

Keywords are a dime a dozen, right? Well, not really. When it comes to App Store Optimization (ASO), choosing the right keywords to sustain growth on the app stores is an essential part of successful metadata optimization.

Unlike web queries, developers must strategically select small, 2-3 word keyword phrases to capture user intent at the search bar. However, not all keywords are created equal.

In this week’s ASO Academy, we’ll be taking a closer look at an invaluable metadata metric: keyword volume. More specifically, we’ll discuss the difference between high and low-volume keywords and how you can effectively use true mobile data and ASO technology to select the right keywords to target.

App Keyword Search Volume - What is it?

Keyword volume measures the number of times a keyword or string of keywords is searched for in a given time period. Keyword search volume is a valuable metric that lets developers gauge visibility potential in the search bar.

High Ranking App Keywords - Should You Use Them?

High-volume keywords are words, terms, or phrases that users search for the most frequently over a period of time. High-volume keywords provide developers with the largest chances of increasing visibility. High-volume keywords are often difficult to penetrate in ranking. This is especially true for apps just starting out in keyword optimization.

Low Ranking App Keywords - How They Can Benefit You

As enticing as high-volume keywords may look, they may not always provide you with the best opportunities to increase visibility. In fact, low volume and moderate volume keywords can be just as important to target. If your app has very unique and specific features, targeting the terms most specific to your app branding and features might be the best course of action.

Use Mobile App Data for ASO

There is only a 20% overlap in web and mobile search data. Contrary to popular belief, ASO is NOT the app store equivalent to SEO. If a developer were to look for targeted keywords using web keyword data, there is a strong chance that they will miss opportunities to increase their ranking, since web and mobile data varies drastically. To see well-performing mobile results, developers must use mobile data.

The keywords one developer may decide to target may vary drastically from another, even if they belong in the same app category. With the help of mobile-powered ASO tools like DATACUBE, developers can better understand which unique-to-mobile keywords fit their ASO growth strategy, unique app value proposition, and growth goals.

Understand Mobile App Keyword Search Volume

All that glitters, might not be gold. High-volume keywords are attractive, but low-volume keywords also help build growth on app stores. The keywords a developer uses should convey relevancy to users, and app store indexation algorithms simultaneously. More importantly, the keywords developers target should align with their growth strategy and targeting goals. The key to choosing keywords isn’t a matter of volume – it all comes down to relevancy.

Want to learn more about App Store Optimization? Contact Gummicube and we’ll help get your strategy started.

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