ASO Academy

App Promotion and Mobile Marketing Campaign Checklist

July 13th, 2022

App Promotion and Mobile Marketing Campaign Checklist
David Quinn

by David Quinn

VP of Strategy & Partnerships at Gummicube, Inc.

Mobile marketing is unlike any other form of marketing out there. The steps you need to take to do it right require time, attention and strategy. One of the foundational pillars of all mobile marketing success is ensuring you have an App Store Optimization (ASO) strategy in place. The success of all of your organic and paid marketing effort depends on it.

A little-known fact about paid mobile marketing is that you need an organic base from which to grow. Having an organic app growth strategy allows developers to not only change with dynamic user behaviors but also account for some of the factors that may affect your external modes of marketing.

In this week’s ASO Academy, we wanted to give you a brief organic growth checklist to help you ensure your mobile marketing campaigns are running smoothly.

Organic App Marketing is Integral to Paid Success

It’s no longer enough to be the best thing since sliced bread when it comes to marketing your app. User behavior changes, competition and algorithmic influences all factor into app discoverability.

If your app listing on the App Store or Google Play isn’t conveying relevance or reliability in the face of those three factors, chances are your paid campaigns might end up costing you much more than anticipated. Why? Similar to how Google Ads and webpage marketing work, the worse your listing is, the higher it costs to promote it.

Organic app marketing through ASO allows us to lower paid costs by actively improving and adapting your presence on the app store. When the quality of your app listing goes up, costs for paid campaigns go down. Plus, once your paid campaigns are all said and done, how will users be able to find your app organically?

Organic Mobile App Promotion Checklist

Updating App Keywords

There are simple actions you can take starting today to help improve your app promotion performance. One of them is continuous iteration based on user preferences. In mobile marketing, user search behaviors often change on a daily basis.

While frequent, monthly metadata and creative updates are an ASO best practice. Using an ASO tool like DATACUBE allows developers to adapt to user changes and see what users are searching for in real-time.

App Creatives Optimization

App icons, screenshots and feature videos are all directly responsible for converting your users. However, once you upload your optimized creative set, you should look for ways to improve it over time. Elements that your users were drawn to one day may not be the same the following.

A/B testing is an ASO best practice that helps you refine your creative set, and developers should regularly test each element of their app listing. This allows developers to always have the most effective conversion potential possible.

Our ASO company created an A/B testing platform, Splitcube that lets developers and mobile marketers monitor the conversion potential of their app assets without having to deploy them on the app stores.

Mobile App Localization

Localization often gets confused with translation. If you’re marketing your app in another country, odds are messages and visual cues differ. A simple translation of keyword phrases might not carry the same visibility potential as a localization.

When a developer localizes, they look beyond the black-and-white language. Instead, they look at cultural and contextual differences between the markets. Of course, translation is important, but certain features of your app may be more highly sought after in another country than in the country you're in.

For example, a US-based finance app developer may find that the green backsplash of their screenshot set may not elicit the subconscious association with “money” if they were to use it in Europe where the currency is multicolored.

Incorporate App Seasonality

Seasonal changes affect your app store performance. Depending on the app category you belong to, these changes could be internal or external. Updating for seasonal events helps convey relevancy to users. For example, mobile games frequently release new player skins for the holidays. Additionally, organizational apps may also include back-to-school phrases around August or September.

Mobile App Promotion, The Right Way

App promotion and mobile marketing require a strong organic app growth backbone. While they only scratch the surface of what is needed to create an effective strategy, these tips will set you up in the right direction. If you want to learn more about how to improve your organic app growth, contact us for more information!

Want to learn more about App Store Optimization? Contact Gummicube and we’ll help get your strategy started.

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