ASO Academy

Google Play Feature Graphics

March 17th, 2022

Google Play Feature Graphics
Anh Nguyen

by Anh Nguyen

COO & Co-Founder at Gummicube, Inc

In today’s ASO Academy, we’ll be taking a look at a creative Google Play exclusive: the Feature Graphic. While this creative app store asset may seem insignificant at first, developers are often unaware of the huge effect they have on conversion and audience engagement. If you're looking to further your creative App Store Optimization strategy to increase conversion, a Feature Graphic might just do the trick. Let’s take a look at what a Feature Graphic is, some of its benefits and best practices.

What is an App Feature Graphic?

Unlike a screenshot, the Feature Graphic is a still image that appears over the promo video before it starts playing. Similar to a YouTube video thumbnail, a Feature Graphic is meant to capture the user's attention and invite them to watch the promo video. It’s important to keep in mind that Feature Graphics only appear if an app developer publishes a promo video.

Play Store Feature Graphic Benefits?

To have a fully realized creative App Store Optimization strategy, developers should look to maximize the impact of all of the available creative assets on Google Play.

A Feature Graphic may seem like a small and insignificant addition to your Google Play creative strategy, but even the smallest details can make a big difference in your conversion rate.

Like all creative assets on an app store listing, a Feature Graphic is also directly responsible for increasing conversion rates. To fully take advantage of their potential, there are a few ASO best practices each developer should follow to really make their Feature Graphic shine:

1. Keep it Simple

While a Feature Graphic can include striking visual elements, it’s important to note that the Feature Graphic shouldn’t overwhelm the user. Developers should look to make a quick and effective impact with their Feature Graphic copy and visuals. Developers can include important information, CTAs, and brand elements, but they should try to avoid crowding the user’s screen at all costs. If the Feature Graphic is too busy, the user may just gloss over the graphic or the app altogether – resulting in lost opportunities for conversion.

2. Keep it Consistent

Branding, colors, and visual elements should be consistent with the overall look and feel of the app. Consistent and captivating visual flows convey subtle cues to the user that an app is of high value. Some developers rely on branded imagery in their Feature Graphic exclusively; however, branded imagery alone does very little to aid in conversion. Applying a simple value proposition, or a CTA in addition to branded elements empowers the user to take an actionable step towards a download. In short, don’t leave your user hanging – give them something to do.

3. Keep it Fresh With App A/B Testing

Like all creative elements, Feature Graphics should be tested for conversion rate efficacy. Developers can test the effectiveness of their creative assets using ASO technology to run A/B tests. This helps developers identify which elements of their Feature Graphic and other creative assets work and which elements don’t. If a developer happens to find that their current Feature Graphic isn’t pulling the conversion rates they hoped for, they can test different variations of the Feature Graphic to see what works best for their app.

Google Play App Feature Graphics - Get Started

Feature Graphics hold the ability to speak to users like no other creative app store asset. They can provide information and value in a brief and concisely laid out format. Developers only have a few seconds to capture the user's attention with a Feature Graphic, so keeping in mind best practices when researching and creating it is paramount. With the help of an ASO company that has years of creating and testing creative app store assets, creating an effective Feature Graphic doesn’t have to be difficult.

Want more information regarding App Store Optimization? Contact Gummicube and we’ll help get your strategy started.

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