ASO Academy

Search Ads & App Store Optimization

June 15th, 2022

Search Ads & App Store Optimization
Anh Nguyen

by Anh Nguyen

COO & Co-Founder at Gummicube, Inc

Keyword selection, metadata structure, and engaging creatives are just a few examples of how developers can improve our organic performance in the App Store and Google Play Store.

However, these aren’t the only App Store Optimization strategies that affect our performance on the app stores. Search ads supplement our strategy to further reach potential users and increase downloads.

Apple Search Ads & Google Ads For Mobile Apps

By running search ads as part of our App Store Optimization strategy we can get important insight into how our app listing performs. These insights would be gained much faster than if we were to focus solely on organic growth. Considering the indexation process for an app can take up to 30-45 days depending on the platform, running search ads could be an effective way to streamline this process.

To begin running search ads, we should first understand what they are and how they relate to our App Store Optimization efforts. Apple’s App Store and the Google Play Store are the two platforms we will focus on when talking about search ads.

Apple Search Ads allow us to bid for specific keywords we target in our metadata. With Google, we do not have a platform solely dedicated to Play Store ads, but rather Google Ads.

Through Google Ads, our campaign not only targets users navigating the Play Store but all other platforms Google provides if we choose to include them. The latter option provides more visibility as it covers more distribution channels.

Paid Marketing & ASO

Now that we are familiar with the two platforms, we can see how it fits into our App Store Optimization strategy. Pre and post-campaign success is contingent on the harmonious relationship between paid and ASO.

Establishing relevance for keyword phrases allows developers to capture users who look for them through the app store's search bar. This is crucial for a post-paid campaign strategy as after a paid campaign is over, users should still be able to find your app organically.

Establishing a foundational organic strategy with the right ASO tools also saves you marketing dollars. The more relevant you are for the search query, the lower you have to pay for bids for keywords and phrases – maximizing your return on ad spend and marketing investment.

By implementing search ads in an App Store Optimization strategy, on average, we can see a 50% increase in conversion rate.

Search Ads - Improving App Store Optimization

Using the power of paid campaigns with ASO best practices allows developers to position their apps more effectively and gets them to the right audience. Our ASO company had more than 12 years of experience running paid campaigns that support your organic growth. With your paid search ads and ASO strategy working together, you set yourself up for better short-term and long-term performance.

Want to learn more about App Store Optimization? Contact Gummicube and we’ll help get your strategy started.

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