ASO & Apple Design Awards Finalists - Getting Ready for WWDC23

May 26th, 2023

ASO & Apple Design Awards Finalists - Getting Ready for WWDC23
Anh Nguyen

by Anh Nguyen

COO & Co-Founder at Gummicube, Inc

Apple’s WWDC is just around the corner and developers from all industries are getting ready to see who takes the top prize for Apple’s Design Awards. The awards select apps that stand out in the categories of Inclusivity, Delight & Fun, Interaction, Social Impact, Visuals & Graphics, and Innovation. This week, Apple has selected its finalists, showcasing apps they believe check all the boxes for success in their respective Design Awards categories.

After taking a look at the finalists, the question is – can we spot any ASO best practices among them?

ASO Best Practices & Apple Design Awards Candidates

Several Apple Design Awards finalists can be seen adopting ASO strategies in their app listing that help improve visibility and conversions. Developers understand that having a great app is just one of the many steps to growing in the App Store, with quality app marketing also being a necessity for achieving long-term success.

App Subtitle Best Practices

An app subtitle is an optimal space for developers to increase visibility and build relevance with their target audience. Since it is an app listing asset that is indexed for keywords, developers should include targeted terms that are hyper-relevant to the app’s core features and relate to users’ needs.

Any Distance App Store Listing with subtitle highlighted

Any Distance is an example of a candidate that uses the app subtitle to their advantage, including terms related to the activities users may be interested in. This helps Apple’s algorithm rank the app among similar ones in search results and helps users recognize their search query in the subtitle, making them more inclined to click it.

App Description Best Practices

Looking to seal the deal? The app description is an effective tool for developers looking to explain more about their app and increase conversions. However, not all app descriptions are made alike. Balancing readability with engaging copy is essential to increasing your chances of informing and connecting with users.

universe website builder app description

The developers at Universe - Website Builder effectively optimized their description in a way that strikes this balance. With a brief introduction to the app’s features and later diving into each one with short, easily digestible bullet points, users can skim through the information quickly and find what’s relevant for them without feeling like they are reading one long body of text.

App Screenshot Best Practices

“A picture is worth a thousand words”. It’s a saying you’ve heard before and in today’s digital landscape, still rings true. Images serve as engaging content pieces, driving attention immediately when surrounded by mostly fields of text. This is why optimizing app screenshots is critical to retaining user attention and increasing conversions. Developers can use their screenshots to not only attract users but inform them as well, designing them in a way that engages and gets important app information across.

flighty app store screenshots track flights feature image

Flighty is an app we covered in a previous App Store Spotlight, and it’s no surprise they’re featured in Apple’s Design Awards. With app screenshots that show off different features in each image, Flighty gives users a glimpse as to what they can expect. The developers also took care in depicting a variety of features popular among their target audience through accurate phone model representations that provide a clear idea as to what the in-app experience is like.

App Listing Optimization For Your Own Success

An app listing acts as the backbone for App Store success, housing elements that contribute to both increased rankings and conversions. Focusing on optimizing its fields to set your app up for long-term organic growth is essential to reaching more users, improving conversions, and potentially winning your own spot as an App Store Awards finalist.

You’ve got a winning app, now it’s time for a winning ASO strategy.

Get in touch with the ASO experts at Gummicube and set yourself up for App Store success today!

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