Dating Apps, Reimagined - Blush & Score

February 12th, 2024

Dating Apps, Reimagined - Blush & Score
Anh Nguyen

by Anh Nguyen

COO & Co-Founder at Gummicube, Inc

The digital world has undoubtedly transformed the way people meet each other. Whether it be simply searching for a community of people sharing similar interests or a potential soulmate, the current landscape offers a plethora of opportunities to get to know others. The dating app scene specifically, continuously sees new apps being introduced that promise a fresh experience. Two new players in the market look to take the same approach in an effort to stand out and become the big fish in their own small pond”.

Blush - Invite Only Dating App

One can argue that courting has lost its essence in the modern age. With digital platforms housing everyday interactions, the in-person butterflies-in-your-stomach feeling and encounters can oftentimes fall by the wayside. Blush is the invite-only dating app looking to change that.

Recently acquiring $7 million in seed funding, the Los Angeles-based app looks to bring the courting experience back to life – digitally. Users can purchase virtual roses that can be sent to potential matches, simulating the old-fashioned method of sending flowers. While that may seem like another microtransaction gimmick for some, there’s more to it than just buying virtual roses.

blush dating app

The app actually houses a clever method of connecting users by showcasing favorite local businesses such as cafes or restaurants they have in common. Additionally, Blush also hosts events where potential dates can meet and connect, taking the responsibility away from users to break the ice.

These different experiences help users reap real-life benefits from using Blush. Whereas others simply offer a gamified swiping experience that can come off as superficial, Blush appears intent on promoting real-world interactions.

Score Dating App: Good Credit = Good Dating Experience?

One of the more interesting platforms launching is Score – a dating app solely for users with good credit. How does it work? Individuals can apply to the Score app, which then performs a soft credit check. Those with a credit score above 675 can be accepted. The motive behind the app as explained by Neon Money Club CEO, Luke Bailey is as follows:

“We need to take the conversation to areas where finance isn’t traditionally discussed.”

Seeing how finances are taboo for certain individuals and one of the leading causes of divorce, there is validity behind the idea that it should be a concern for those looking for a life partner. However, there’s another catch – the app is only available for 90 days.

Those accepted can enjoy an exclusive dating experience with fiscally responsible users. Those that aren’t will be directed towards financial literacy products and services offered by none other than Neon Money Club itself.

Whether it is used as a marketing tool for the rest of the company’s services or grows into a competitive dating app – Score’s evolution is yet to be seen. However, the principle of narrowing down on a niche is fruitful not only for temporary marketing campaigns but for long-term brand positioning as well.

Dating App Marketing

While the apps mentioned above have leveraged the power of word of mouth, others looking to get started marketing their app should opt for a more comprehensive approach to app marketing. Invite-only experiences foster a community of users that fit a specific profile, often organically letting the niche determine itself thanks to the type of user being invited. Apps like Score can also give the impression of an exclusive experience, but the obscurity and temporary availability of it can confuse potential users who aren’t initially accepted into believing the app will no longer exist after 90 days.

App Store Optimization for dating apps is the safe bet when it comes to gaining traction in the hyper-competitive landscape of online dating. It provides the most efficient method of attracting users while laying the groundwork for any other mobile app marketing efforts undertaken.

As a developer, consider combining dating app ASO with strategies found in the cases above that allow you to narrow down on a specific niche and create the sensation of exclusivity for users looking for something different than the traditional swipe left or right experience.

Need help with your ASO. Get in touch with our ASO experts here.

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