App Store Holiday Schedule 2020
Posted on November 23rd, 2020
When is the App Store Holiday Schedule 2020? Learn about the dates of this year's shutdown and how to prepare.
iOS 10 is coming, and along with it a long list of major changes for developers. But along with those changes come a plethora of small and medium quality-of-life updates that should make this iteration of the iPhone experience the smoothest yet. The below features haven’t been widely publicized by Apple, but expect fans to be extolling their virtues when iOS 10 releases later this year.
New to iOS 10 is the ability to have voicemails automatically transcribed for you into text. Your phone can now automatically analyze voicemails for you and present them as a text message. Now you won’t need to fumble with your phone as you scramble to copy down information from a voicemail; you can simply click the number shown in the message to call them right back.
iPhone users have long used third-party VoIP apps to make phone calls without needing to use a dedicated data plan. This has served well enough until now, except for the fact that VoIP app users weren’t able to integrate core iPhone features like their contacts list into the apps. Now, in the latest update, Apple has integrated VoIP calling apps into their call screen, so you can make calls using the native iOS screen. VoIP calls will also be saved as recent, and now integrate with all your standard phone programs.
In a move of style over substance, Apple will now recommend you switch out words in your iMessage conversations for emoji symbols. When you invite a friend to pizza, your phone will prompt you to change the word “pizza” to an emoji of a pizza. With Apple also including instant text replies, such as a thumbs up or down picture, it seems the companies’ goal is to make a texting a faster, cleaner, and more fun experience.
Have a favorite song or internet clip you want to share with friends? Previously you would have to paste a link for others to click on and check out, but no longer. Now, thanks to what Apple is calling “Smart Links”, video or audio links can be directly placed into iMessage.
Is Taylor Swift really saying “Starbucks lovers”? Now you'll finally have the answers to your burning lyrics questions thanks to Apple Music’s new lyrics feature, which will show you song lyrics as part of the listening experience. It’s still unknown how many songs will come will lyrics initially, but it’s fair to assume a lot of your favorite songs will be covered.
Apple’s Quicktype feature has dabbled in answering questions before, with simple responses like “Yes” and “No” built in to make your texting life easier. Soon, though, the Quicktype feature should be expanded to encompass a much larger range of questions and situations. If someone asks you about dinner plans tonight, for example, Quicktype will scan your calendar for restaurant names and addresses. Then all you have to do is confirm the address and hit send.
Apple Pay will now be offered to web developers through Safari. Whenever you reach the payment screen of your favorite website, you may be able to choose “Buy with Apple Pay” to confirm the purchase with your touch-ID without ever having to pull out a credit card.
It can be frustrating to search for the nearest fast-food place or gas station only to receive a cluttering of options, many of which you have already passed. Apple will address this and other Maps annoyances in iOS 10. Now, Maps will return you a single option that is closest to you, and won’t drag you too far off your intended journey. You’ll even see your detour time incorporated into your overall travel length.
Apple’s new Live Photo enhancements mean that you’ll take the perfect photo, complete with cropping and filters, every time. Now you can adjust photo features before you even take the shot, allowing for seamless and perfect snapshots every time. Plus, new digital video image stabilization means your photos will come out smoother and cleaner than ever.
iPad users who have long wished for stronger multi-tasking tools on their tablet are in luck as now they will be able to split their screen vertically in order to browse and manipulate two Safari windows concurrently. This is a massive boon to those that rely on tablets for work as they now have access to a capability which has been wanted for over a half-decade. You’ll have a chance to check out all these features and more when the new iOS 10 update launches this fall.
When is the App Store Holiday Schedule 2020? Learn about the dates of this year's shutdown and how to prepare.
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