App Store Holiday Schedule 2020
Posted on November 23rd, 2020
When is the App Store Holiday Schedule 2020? Learn about the dates of this year's shutdown and how to prepare.
Google recently updated their Google Play guidelines with one notable change: the use of user app reviews in the Google Play app description field is now prohibited. After a potential user views an app's title and short description in Google Play, is some cherry-picked testimonial really going to sway them into installing an app? Does anyone reading an app's full description really care about what Roto619SD4Life said about the app?
Google has clear rules for keyword stuffing and the use of irrelevant keywords, brands or references in the Title, Short and Full Description fields. For example (from Google) - this is not ok:
just like Candy this game is sweet and you'll have a crush on the game in no time
One way mobile app publishers were getting around the "irrelevant" or keyword spamming rules was by adding keyword-stuffed user testimonials. Google did a pretty good job of both explaining what and why this is unacceptable and adding some humor to show just how over the top some publishers have been with this: Google didn't list all of the irrelevant and stuffed keywords in this - but here is a start:
Gems with Friends, Candy Crush Saga, Shipwrecked, Cut the Rope: Time Trave, 4 Pics 1 wrong, etc......
So obviously spammy. Since Google Play does not utilize a hidden keywords field like Apple does for its App Store, more emphasis is placed on the App Title, Short and Full descriptions, all of which are public. We certainly do not encourage our clients to attempt these or any other short-term hacks.
When is the App Store Holiday Schedule 2020? Learn about the dates of this year's shutdown and how to prepare.
Apple's App Store Guidelines have strict privacy requirements. Developers now must provide information to users on the App Store listing regarding the data they access.
The Google Play Developer Console has been updated with a new design and adjusted tools. What's different, and how will it impact App Store Optimization?