App Store Spotlight: 5 Calls

June 27th, 2022

App Store Spotlight: 5 Calls
Anh Nguyen

by Anh Nguyen

COO & Co-Founder at Gummicube, Inc

Contacting local representatives is often a very complicated process riddled with intermediaries and answering machines. In an effort to make civic duties more accessible for all, the 5 Calls app makes it easy to contact members of congress. During times of civil change and election season among us, this is an invaluable app for people looking to inspire change.

Millions of Americans across the country actively participate in the political system which relies on a dialogue between Congress and the people they represent. Bridging the gap in communication is essential in the digital age, and 5 Calls makes it accessible to everyone for free.

How can this app reach more people around the country? By using App Store Optimization best practices, the developers of the 5 Calls app can make an even larger impact on how our civic duties are exercised.

5 Calls App – Metadata

Given the specific use of the app, the category can be a little difficult to define on paper. After all, contacting local representatives and members of Congress isn’t a communication channel we typically use. Broad categories like communication, activism and voting may be considered. For metadata elements, this makes it difficult for targeting as the audience may be looking for something related to any of these categories.

Currently, 5 Calls uses a title tag, “5 Calls: Contact Your Congress” which does well in highlighting what the app could be used for to the user. Additionally, the app subtitle doesn't have any repetitive terms in the subtitle which helps the app rank for a broader set of terms.

Repetition of metadata elements typically doesn’t help with indexation. With its current metadata assets, 5 Calls could rank for a broad set of keyword phrases that reach different audiences.

Aside from the indexation taking place in iOS title and subtitle is the full description. While the full description doesn’t get indexed for keywords, it’s an important element in driving conversion. Even without indexation opportunities, there are ASO best practices that can influence users to download.

The users looking for apps like Call 5 are highly involved in their decision process. Additional information regarding what the app can do or added features would better attract users toward a download. By using ASO technology like DATACUBE, the developers of 5 Calls can see the conversion effects of a fully realized ASO strategy.

5 Calls App – Screenshot

The first three screenshots of an app store listing are the most important, but they shouldn’t be your only screenshots. 5 Calls currently only has 3 screenshots in their screenshot set. With notable acclimations from MSNBC, highlighting this outside of the full description would help drive downloads to their app.

Since screenshot copy doesn’t get indexed in the algorithm, there are plenty of opportunities to highlight ease of use and calls to action. With a highly involved user base, using visual copy with calls to action would be highly effective in driving conversion. Currently, 5 Calls has 3 total screenshots but could expand to more. This gives users a more comprehensive story and mission behind the app’s purpose.


There aren’t many apps out there that let people connect with their users so seamlessly, let alone with their elected officials. In an age where more and more people get involved in governmental decisions, apps like 5 Calls open up a world of possibilities for citizens looking to take action. With these ASO best practices, 5 Calls can more effectively reach their audience base with creatives and metadata that lets them find them.

Want to learn more about App Store Optimization? Contact Gummicube and we’ll help get your strategy started.

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