ASO Academy

What is Apple Promotional Artwork?

April 12th, 2024

What is Apple Promotional Artwork?
David Quinn

by David Quinn

VP of Strategy & Partnerships at Gummicube, Inc.

Any developer that has been featured on the Apple App Store can tell you how excited they were when they received the “App Store: Promotional Artwork request for…” email. While the anticipation around this email is electric, the realization that Apple needs additional creative assets to fulfill your feature starts to set in quickly.

One of the key assets Apple needs is the Promotional Artwork. This element is displayed at the very top of an app’s product page and has been equated to Google Play’s Feature Graphic. While the promotional artwork and feature graphic are both additional pieces of content that can help convert users, they are inherently different for just a few reasons.

Below we'll dive into the details of the App Store's Promotional Artwork asset and the essential information you need to prepare yourself when your very own feature opportunity comes around.

What is Apple Promotional Artwork?

Promotional Artwork is an additional creative asset exclusive to certain placements in the App Store. It can be found across the Today Tab card, product page, developer page, and the Apps and Games tab. These images are separate from your existing screenshots and require custom imagery as requested by Apple.

It can be tricky to navigate your app’s different creatives if you’ve been selected for a feature as each placement has its own set of dimensions and requirements. Luckily, Apple provides developers with custom templates for each of the placements your Promotional Artwork is showcased in, taking the guesswork out of orientations and sizing.

app store promotional asset templates
Source: Apple

It’s not enough to get the the proportions right, however. The content within your Promotional Artwork should also fall in line with what Apple permits.

Apple Promotional Artwork Guidelines

To adhere to Apple's requirements, certain elements such as weapons, logos, or device models cannot be included within promotional content. Failure to comply with the App Store Promotional Asset Guidelines will result in rejection and will require adjustments to the image.

To avoid rejection do not include:

  • Marketing taglines
  • Website addresses and URLs
  • App icons or logos
  • Any reference to pricing
  • Elements considered violent or explicit
  • Weaponry
  • Third-party trademarks (unless you have the appropriate copyright permissions)
  • “App Store,” “iTunes,” or “Apple Inc.”
  • Hardware and devices

On top of ensuring images don’t include anything that could possibly get your Promotional Artwork rejected, you should also remember to follow the seven Dropwells. These essentially exist to make the process easier for apps and games when they are chosen to be featured.

App Store Promotional Artwork Best Practices

In addition to following Apple’s guidelines, employing app screenshot best practices will help you effectively leverage the power of your Promotional Artwork.

Look to incorporate:

  • Brand colors
  • Concept or character art
  • High contrast with open spaces

Additional tips that developers can consider are:

  • Creating a seamless flow between Promotional Artwork and product page
  • Images that are relevant and memorable

Unfortunately, unlike screenshots, developers cannot localize their Promotional Artwork for every territory their app is available in, as it is not country-specific.

Promotional Artwork Key Takeaways

If you’re a developer that has received an email from Apple about Promotional Artwork, it’s highly recommended to jump at the opportunity for the potential uplift of installs to your app.

To effectively leverage your Promotional Artwork:

  • Understand the unique characteristics of this creative asset. Leverage the guides and templates Apple provides to make the process seamless
  • Make sure that you follow Apple’s guidelines before creating Promotional Artwork, as no one wants to get rejected.
  • Consider incorporating ASO best practices into your creation process to create an image that will truly captivate users.

Need help with your creative optimization and prepping for a feature? Get in touch with our ASO experts today!

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