ASO Best Practices: Tips for Screenshots

August 18th, 2017

ASO Best Practices: Tips for Screenshots
David Quinn

by David Quinn

VP of Strategy & Partnerships at Gummicube, Inc.

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, using visual aids to capture users’ attention within the App Stores has become a vital part in the acquisition funnel. As competition in the App Stores continues to grow, developers need to find ways to differentiate themselves from their competition. Utilizing ASO best practices to optimize an app’s metadata (app name, keywords, description, etc.) is the most efficient way to target an app’s audience. While focusing on the metadata is crucial, developers need to pay close attention to creating visually appealing screenshots to convince users to download and/or buy the app, thus increasing conversion rate.

How Screenshots Can Improve Conversion

Screenshots allow developers to highlight the functionality and user interface of the app, giving users a clear picture of what to expect within the app. Users are more inclined to download an app with compelling visuals, hence developers should use all the available screenshots they have to capture the audience attention. Google Play allows up to 8 screenshots per device, while iOS only allows up to 5. Developers want to give users as much information as possible regarding the app’s core features, mechanics or gameplay. While it may be enticing to show users all the app’s features, it’s important that developers put themselves into the user’s shoes and understand what they want to see. In order to target an app’s audience better, developers need to pay attention to current user trends and behavior to create screenshots that their audience is interested in. On top of monitoring user trends, it’s critical that developers weigh the pros and cons for each screenshot orientation. While it may be nice to display landscape screenshots, only one will appear in a user’s search on the App Store. Instead, for certain apps, it is more optimal to use portrait since two screenshots will appear in search. Here are some points to consider when designing screenshots:

  • Use brand colors to stay consistent with brand identity
  • Display concept or character art with the latest updates
  • Use high contrast, open spaces, with simple and readable fonts
  • Use a call-to-action (short sentences or phrases) to increase conversion
  • Using high volume target keywords on every screenshot and highlighting them with a heavier font weight

Screen Shot 2017-08-16 at 2.05.22 PM When developers are making these key design decisions, they must also factor in the possibility of deploying their app to foreign territories. If an app is launched in another country, developers need to make sure their creatives are engaging to that audience. This process is called localization, and can include changing:

  • Characters
  • Callout text, callout banner, or background colors
  • Callout text and high-volume keywords
  • Screenshot orientation and more

Screen Shot 2017-08-16 at 2.06.11 PM Developers that have taken the time to localize their screenshots have been able to convert users in these foreign territories, and have seen an increase of revenue by 25 percent. It’s critical that developers take all the necessary steps to localize their screenshots to appeal to users on a global scale.

Key Takeaways

A picture is worth a thousand words, and an app’s screenshots are incredibly vital to converting users. If developers take the time to apply ASO best practice while designing their screenshots, they are sure to generate more downloads and revenue in the long-run. It’s important that developers pay close attention when designing their screenshots. If they are interested in expanding their app’s reach to foreign territories, then they will need to localize their screenshots to appropriate target their audience and improve conversion.

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