ASO New Year's Resolutions 2024

December 4th, 2023

ASO New Year's Resolutions 2024
Anh Nguyen

by Anh Nguyen

COO & Co-Founder at Gummicube, Inc

2024 is around the corner, so app developers and marketers should begin thinking about their App Store Optimization plans for the coming year. In order to help developers build good ASO habits to help them in the days to come, we’ve compiled a list of New Year’s resolutions for app developers to consider.

App Iterations - Update Consistently

Developers should be constantly adjusting their apps as well as their app pages and ASO to shifts in the market. Continuous releases of updates throughout the year serves several purposes:

  • Provide timely patches and bug fixes
  • Refresh keyword targeting and indexation
  • Indicate to users that you’re actively working on improving the app
  • Keep up with updates to the operating system
  • Update creatives to maximize conversions
  • Update for seasonality & changes in the market

Remember that iterations need to be spaced out properly so the app stores have time to update the app’s indexation and rankings with the new metadata. Given proper spacing, a consistent update schedule can significantly aid app store growth. Developers who are not actively updating their apps and app store metadata should make it a New Year’s resolution to do so in 2024.

Mobile A/B Testing

Updates to the app’s metadata and visual elements should not be rushed just for the sake of updating – they must be researched and tested in advance.

Running A/B tests through native tools like Apple's Product Page Optimization or Google's Store Listing Experiments can identify what elements of an app page’s design perform best. These tests run variants against each other to determine which gets more clicks, so developers can create the best versions possible. Alternatively, developers can leverage comprehensive tools like Splitcube that provide even more in-depth A/B testing capabilities.

Developers should fully utilize these tests before running changes. Each update should build upon the success of its previous iterations, so testing to identify what drives the success is imperative. That’s why developers should resolve to test any changes they make in the coming year.

User Reviews & Ratings Management

When users look at an app, 59% check app reviews and ratings before deciding to install it. Often times they’ll see the developer has not responded to the reviews, so any bugs or negative comments are left unaddressed.

Responding to user reviews serves several purposes:

  • It shows new or potential users that the developer is engaged with your user base
  • It lets developers address bugs or user concerns directly
  • It shows existing users that the developer is actively paying attention to their concerns
  • It lets developers thank users for positive reviews and feedback

Developers who are not replying to reviews should resolve to do so next year. This could help them keep their users happy throughout the year.

App Market Changes - Adapt to Compete

2023 saw several new advances in mobile technology. From the release of iOS 17 to a potentially new way to feature your app on Google Play, there’s always something new.

Developers should keep up with the latest advancements in technology. This could require any of several changes:

  • Update for compatibility with a new OS
  • Update creatives for viewing on different device screen sizes
  • Updating photo, video or AR functionality for new cameras and technology
  • Improving graphics
  • Adding new features enabled by new devices

Keeping up with the trends helps developers ensure their apps don’t fall out of date. If developers haven’t been keeping a close eye on advancements and changes so far, they should resolve to do so in 2024.

Synergize Paid & Organic ASO Strategies

Combining organic and paid app marketing strategies can invigorate App Store Optimization and give the app a boost. Reaching new users through channels such as Apple Search Ads, Google Ads and even social media marketing can bring in new users as well as help an app’s optimization.

Getting downloads from a healthy channel and engaged users can improve an app’s organic growth. These marketing channels make it easy for an app to reach users, which contributes to its success beyond just the paid downloads. A good paid campaign can have a lasting impact on the app’s optimization even once the campaign ends.

As the app market grows more competitive, every edge that developers can get is helpful. Paid marketing is a proven way to help an app grow, so developers not investing in it now should resolve to do so next year.

App Store Marketing for 2024

These are a few App Store Optimization resolutions for the New Year. Developers should take these into consideration when planning their ASO strategies for 2024 if they’re not doing so already. With effective App Store Optimization, the coming year can be one of growth and success.

Want more information regarding App Store Optimization? Contact Gummicube and we’ll help get your strategy started.

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