Case Study - Fun To Do for iPad

August 14th, 2013

Case Study - Fun To Do for iPad
David Quinn

by David Quinn

VP of Strategy & Partnerships at Gummicube, Inc.

The developer of Fun To Do for iPad had created an app with amazing new interfaces to manage your calendar and other day to day tasks.

Unfortunately, people were having trouble finding this app among the many other “to do” apps in the App Store.

One campaign on Gnome Escape got users buzzing about the app in iTunes.

More than 179 real users provided feedback, ratings and reviews for the app - helping organic users understand the benefits of using Fun To Do for iPad.

We also measured real improvement in search rankings for critical keywords related to the app.

Keyword: To Do List Before Gnome Escape: Not Ranked

After Gnome Escape: Rank #5




Before Gnome Escape: Rank: #613 After Gnome Escape: Rank #28


As the charts above indicate, Fun To Do List jumped to #5 for “to do list” and ranked in the top 30 for “calendar” after running our campaign.The most valuable users who are actively seeking out this type of app can now easily find it.

Mission Accomplished.


Thanks to the developer of Fun To Do for iPad for working with us and also posting up to share his great experience with Gnome Escape.

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