5 Ways to Help your Mobile App Thrive

November 1st, 2018

5 Ways to Help your Mobile App Thrive
Anh Nguyen

by Anh Nguyen

COO & Co-Founder at Gummicube, Inc

Once your app has launched in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, it’s time to start growing. App Store Optimization is about not just starting off with a strong App Store presence but growing it and reaching new users. With that in mind, here are five things you can do to help your mobile app grow and thrive.

Keyword Optimization

App keyword/metadata optimization is an important part of an ASO strategy at all stages of an app’s growth. The keywords determine what searches an app will show up in, allowing for optimal organic performance as well as users who are looking for your app after seeing a paid marketing campaign. However, this is not a one-and-done process. Keyword optimization requires testing and tweaking to find the keywords that have the best results for the app. Developers should consistently check their keywords to see if they’re performing well and rotate out ones that are underperforming. Consumer behavior and search trends are constantly shifting as new apps and technology emerge. A keyword with a high search volume one day may grow less popular over time, while terms people rarely searched for before may grow in volume. In order to maintain growth, app developers should keep up with changes in keyword performance and overall search trends to ensure the terms their apps rank for are terms users are looking for. Doing so will help keep their app relevant and ranking well in search.

Creatives Optimization

Just like an app’s keywords must remain optimized, so too should its creatives. This includes icons, screenshots and videos. In addition to following best practices for creatives, developers should consistently test theirs to ensure they’re properly appealing to users. A/B testing will help determine what creative sets best appeal to users, so an app will always have visuals that users are drawn to. Additionally, developers can update their creatives throughout the year to provide a seasonal boost. When winter rolls around, they can use snow and holiday iconography to signal winter events. Similarly, they can use warm colors and bright imagery for the summer months, illustrating the app’s uses during the appropriate season. Similarly, a video can be helpful for an app, as long as it properly demonstrates what the app has to offer in an engaging manner. Videos on the Apple App Store are required to primarily show in-app footage with minimal transitions and effects, although Google Play videos can be more like a commercial, complete with people using the app. The important thing is that users will understand how the app can be fun, useful or beneficial to them and feel encouraged to download after watching the video.

Paid Marketing

Paid marketing is also a great tool for boosting an app’s presence and reach to encourage growth. The Google Play Store has Google Ads (previously Google UAC), while the Apple App Store has Apple Search Ads. Both are marketing tools that have the potential to put your app front and center before a relevant audience. Google Ads enables developers to put ads for their app across all of Google’s channels, including Search, the Play Store and YouTube. This opens up several avenues for user acquisition, targeted at users whose history and activities are relevant for the app. Apple Search Ads enables developers to bid on relevant keywords and place their apps at the top of search results for those keywords. An app’s relevance to the keywords plays a large role in determining if it wins the bid for a keyword, so having strong metadata optimization can be very beneficial for a Search Ads campaign. No matter the store, a good marketing campaign can find new users whose interests align with your app’s features and demographic. It will increase your app’s visibility to the people that need to see it, helping encourage growth with every click.

Interact with Your Users

One important way to ensure your app thrives is by interacting with your users. This is a key component of reputation management, as it helps address user concerns directly and identify pain points for your app. Responding to user reviews serves multiple purposes. First, it lets users know that you are listening and considering their input, so they feel appreciated and respected. Additionally, if users are bringing up common or recurring issues, it lets developers know what problems they need to address for future updates. Even a negative comment can be turned into a positive situation if its addressed and responded to. Addressing concerns with bug fixes and what users like with feature updates can help keep ratings positive, which can lend credibility to your app for users that newly discover it. When potential users see that an app developer is engaging with and responding to comments, they’ll gain confidence in the app and be more likely to download it. Maintaining high interaction rates will be beneficial both for new and existing users alike.

Social Networking

Interactivity goes beyond just responding to user comments. There are multiple online networks and channels that can be used to further your app’s outreach. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more provide new opportunities to both reach and interact with users. Partnering with social influencers that have a relevant audience for your app can be a great way to drive traffic with a high potential for engagement. Advertising on social networks is a good way to reach large amounts of people, but it’s just the first step. Maintaining social network presence, such as Twitter accounts and Facebook pages, provides avenues for users to reach and interact with developers for questions and concerns as well as opportunities for marketing campaigns. With a strong online presence, an app can continue to grow and thrive. Overall, there are many aspects that go into an app’s growth and success, none of which should be overlooked. From the app page’s design and metadata to interacting with users and fans, every step helps bring an app more success and growth. These are all important aspects of App Store Optimization, and with them, an app can reach new heights.

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