App Store Optimization PDF

October 22nd, 2015

App Store Optimization PDF
David Quinn

by David Quinn

VP of Strategy & Partnerships at Gummicube, Inc.

Positioning mobile apps in the app stores globally for discovery and installs from the massive organic app store search traffic volumes is one of the best long-term strategies for success in the app stores. Creating an app store listing, testing and regularly adjusting to changing market demands is called app store optimization or ASO. In the below whitepaper, we will introduce:

  • the opportunity in the app stores
  • the business case for investing in ASO
  • how Apple and Google index mobile apps in their app stores
  • data on how users are searching from their mobile devices
  • and finally discuss the various elements of an app listing and the impact each has on visibility, rankings and conversion in the app stores

Highest ROI Activity

As the costs of acquiring mobile app users from paid install campaigns increases, a complete ASO implementation becomes more valuable. On page 4, we present why ASO provides a long-term competitive advantage and will likely drive the best investments returns (ROI) of any app marketing effort.

How Apple and Google Index Apps

Apple and Google index mobile apps differently, and the entire field of app search, indexing, and rankings is dynamic and fluid. But there are some established principles and best practices for giving Apple and Google exactly what they want so they can index your app correctly. How the app stores index apps and the best practices for each element and overall are explained in detail.

How Users Search for Apps

Discover how your target market searches the app stores, and how it differs from web search. We break down a few examples and analyze how the motivations and intent of users searching the app store is very different from user intent when "Googling" something.

Breaking Down the App Listing Elements

Best practices, strategies, restrictions and things to avoid when drafting your app's name or title, selecting keywords and phrases to target in the keywords field and description, and much more.

You can download the whitepaper here.

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