ASO Weekly News - Crypto Wins Super Bowl LVI
February 18th, 2022

by David Bell
CEO at Gummicube, Inc.
Super Bowl LVI Mass Marketing
It is estimated that nearly 112 million people watched the 2022 Super Bowl this year – viewership grew nearly 14% compared to 2021. To capitalize on one of the most highly watched television events all year, companies spend an exorbitant amount of money and resources to capture an audience's attention. This year, crypto apps made their debut appearance with maybe, too much popularity to handle.
A typical 30-second slot for a Super Bowl ad may cost anywhere from 6.5 to 7 million dollars. Minute ads can reach prices as high as 10 to 15 million dollars. Companies spend months using their robust marketing resources to produce high-quality content for mass viewership that's meant to engage and entertain their audience on a universal theme. However, one thing was different this year in the typical Super Bowl marketing theme of universality – cryptocurrency.
Coinbase Crashes; Then It Soars
This year, we saw debuts from rival cryptocurrency platforms, FTX and Coinbase make their way to the Super Bowl commercial spotlight. Experts speculate that the public seems to be increasingly more open and interested in the cryptocurrency space, and Coinbase’s Super Bowl commercial solidified that statement for good. And for a 14 million dollar commercial price tag, it better have.
Coinbase’s commercial used the power of clever and intuitive external marketing to boost their app store conversion rate. With a little QR code that bounced around the audience’s screen, the audience was able to be redirected to Coinbase’s website right through their TV screens. From there, they would be prompted to get the Coinbase app through the App Store. However, Coinbase didn’t foresee the vast amount of audience members looking to jump on the cryptocurrency bandwagon.
With the flood of Super Bowl audience members trying to cash in on the $15 dollar Bitcoin credit, both their website landing page and app crashed.
Coinbase’s app shot up the US Apple App Store from #182 to #2 in a matter of a few hours. An impressive and telling occurrence that may suggest that cryptocurrency and crypto apps are the thing of the present and the future.
ASO and The Cryptocurrency Industry
Coinbase and the Los Angeles Rams both shared the spotlight on Super Bowl Sunday. However, competition among cryptocurrency apps on app store platforms is stiff. The popularity of cryptocurrency is no longer speculative. If a commercial directed towards a mass-media audience showed mass appeal, Coinbase may have just uncovered that the future of cryptocurrency is already here.
The App Store is filled with apps that allow you to trade, buy, sell, and swap cryptocurrencies, NFTs, among other digital assets. With such high competition, it’s important for crypto-branded app developers to maximize their App Store Optimization strategy to stand out from the rest.
With high demand and varying degrees of cryptocurrency familiarity, cryptocurrency apps must keep in mind their audience and the features they may be looking for.
Novices may search for specific cryptocurrencies like, “Bitcoin”, or even the more general, “cryptocurrency”. Advanced users may search using more refined terms and specific features or functionalities like, “safecoin wallet”, or “blockchain”. Thus, app developers could further adjust their metadata optimization strategy to account for the more experienced users and the newly-onboarded crypto novices.
Coinbase’s first attempt at reaching one of the most-watched televised events brought massive growth to its app store performance. And with cryptocurrency becoming increasingly popular among the general public, the cryptocurrency app market will continue to grow and evolve.
Given this, the crypto apps on the app store marketplace must think about what’s next and plan their ASO strategy accordingly to account for new opportunities for them to grow. Using the right ASO technologies can help boost organic growth significantly.
Our ASO experts have the technology and know-how to adjust for changing marketing conditions and consumer behaviors, to create a strategy that sends your app to the moon.
Want to learn more about App Store Optimization? Contact Gummicube and we’ll help get your strategy started.
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