My App Got Rejected: What Do I Do Now?

April 27th, 2019

My App Got Rejected: What Do I Do Now?
David Bell

by David Bell

CEO at Gummicube, Inc.

After spending countless hours programming and testing an app, it can be disheartening to submit it to the App Store only to receive a rejection email. Not only that, but if an app is rejected, it can prevent deployments of new keywords, screenshots and features, which has a negative impact on the app’s App Store Optimization. Fortunately, being rejected isn’t the end – Apple will provide you with feedback and reasons behind the rejection, so you can resolve the issues and get your app back on the store.

Resolution Center

The first thing you can and should do is determine why the app was rejected. Apple’s Resolution Center will tell you what you will need to change before the app can be approved – follow their directions and even double-check the App Store Review Guidelines to make sure everything checks out. Don’t overlook the little details – those can still lead to rejection.

It is possible that the Resolution Center may say your app needs to include something it already has. If this is the case, inform them of it in as much detail as possible. Provide step by step instructions, if applicable, as well as relevant screenshots. If the issue is a result of the app having a different flow for users who are logged in, subscribed, new or free, provide logins for each one. That way the Resolution Center agent can see the difference and perhaps find something they overlooked.

Research, Edit & Resolve

More often than not, when an app is rejected, they simply need to add or remove certain aspects or features. Once this is done, you can re-submit to the App Store. For instance, developers can neglect to request permission before downloading external resources for a mobile game, which would get the app rejected. This can be resolved by ensuring that it follows the App Store Guidelines, including allowing users to play the first few levels without requiring anything extra and adding a “Download data” prompt.

In other cases, it may take a little more effort to fix. Casino apps, for instance, have to be very careful that they’re staying within the App Store’s guidelines in terms of function, particularly gambling or awarding real money, and how they’re positioned within the store.

Developers concerned about their apps can look up the specific language used in the rejection. Other apps may have been rejected for the same reason, so seeing how they resolved it can help. There may be more than one way to resolve an issue, so researching how other developers managed to get their apps approved can provide insights to help – resources like Quora, the Apple Developer forums and ASO Experts are good places to start.


It is also perfectly reasonable to request a call with the Resolution Center, especially if you experience continued rejections for the same reason. Speaking with an agent directly allows you to walk through the issues with them and gain specific insights on what your app needs to change.

Following the call, you should note and record every change you make in accordance to the conversation. Then, during your next Resolution Center update, you can state that you had a call with them and call out the specific updates and changes you made as per the conversation. As always, be sure to include screenshots that show exactly what changes you made.

To Conclude

App Store rejections are not only disappointing for developers, but they’re also bad for ASO. A new deployment will be put on hold due to an app being rejected. Consequently, the app will be unable to update its keyword bank with the new keywords or send out a critical update.

Should your app be rejected, don’t be disheartened – see what needs to be fixed and adjust it accordingly. Apple’s Resolution Center will let you know what to change. If you follow their directions, research ways to resolve the issue and speak with an agent directly, your app can be ready and approved for deployment soon.

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