Spring Seasonality for App Store Optimization

April 10th, 2020

Spring Seasonality for App Store Optimization
David Bell

by David Bell

CEO at Gummicube, Inc.

App Store Optimization requires updating to keep an app relevant, including seasonal updates. With spring starting soon, it’s important for app developers to see if there are any seasonal changes or events that they should update their apps and ASO to account for. Here are several ways that apps can update for springtime events to help them remain relevant as the seasons turn.

Seasonal Changes

Apps related to nature, the weather and other natural elements should begin adjusting for the season. For instance, weather apps may list weather alerts related to the winter, like snowstorm notifications. Those should be changed to spring-focused occurrences, like thunderstorm alerts or pollen count trackers.

Rotating creative elements such as screenshots for the season can also be helpful. If a photo editing app still shows photo frames focused around winter and the cold, it will seem out of date. Adjusting the frames featured in the screenshots to show spring-focused imagery, such as blooming flowers, can meet the seasonal tone and show users that the app is up-to-date.


One of the first holidays in spring is Easter, and many apps are launching events or sales for it. These apps can benefit from calling out the events in their descriptions, iOS promo text, and screenshots.

For instance, Call of Duty: Mobile has launched an Easter Egg event where players can earn and collect in-game rewards. The game’s Twitter page calls this out, but there is no sign of it on the app listings on the App Store or Google Play Store.

Including a screenshot or iOS promo text emphasizing the Easter event could help show users that the game is updating and relevant, as well as potentially convince users who were on the fence to convert before the event ends.

Similarly, shopping apps with Easter sales should use this opportunity to call out their specials and focus on spring and Easter-themed purchases. Including seasonal terminology like filling an Easter basket or buying candy can help keep the app relevant to the holiday.

Spring Fashion

Shopping apps will especially want to update for the changes in seasons. Consumer needs are shifting from warm winter clothes to spring styles, and apps with a focus on shopping, clothes or fashion should adjust accordingly.

For instance, when it was focusing on fall seasonality, Fashion Nova used screenshots focused on warm clothes such as jackets and sweaters. The screenshots were framed with orange borders with spider-webs on them to tie into the Halloween mood. Now the app uses screenshots saying “stock up on Spring” and featuring lighter, cooler clothes for the changing weather.

These updates help apps stay relevant to their users’ needs and tastes. Keeping up with market trends and changes will help shopping apps stay competitive, and updating creatives, keywords and descriptions in accordance to these changes will help reach new users.


Updating apps for seasonal changes and events is an important part of App Store Optimization. Whether users are looking for apps related to holidays, fashion, the weather or games, updating with seasonality in mind can help improve conversions. This can help build users and rankings to help the app grow and thrive in every season.

Want more information regarding App Store Optimization? Contact Gummicube and we’ll help get your strategy started.

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