iOS App Description Writing Tips

January 17th, 2015

iOS App Description Writing Tips
David Bell

by David Bell

CEO at Gummicube, Inc.

iOS App Description Tips and Tricks

Creating a great title, icon and screenshots are critical to your app’s success in the App Store. However, don’t overlook the iOS app description. If a user is interested enough in your app to read the description**, it could make or break their decision to tap “get.”** If you’re not sure what you should put in your description, we’ve listed some tips below.

In an iOS App Description your first five lines are the most important

When a user is looking at your app in the iTunes App Store, only the first five lines are displayed before they have to click “more” to read the rest. This makes the first 5 lines the most important part of your description. Treat these first five lines like your first screenshot; this area should be able to stand on its own as something that gets the user excited about your app. Put enough information here to let the user know what your app is about, but keep it short and sweet. description-1

Say hello to your target audience

Make sure to tailor your iOS app description to the target demographic for your app. Is your app an educational game designed for children ages 2-5? Write about how your app is great for the classroom or perfect right before bedtime to target teachers and parents. If you have a virtual puppy training app, the vocabulary in your description should very be different than an app that helps graduate students studying to get their MBA. If applicable, use a bit of esoteric language that shows your target audience you really get them and their community. This can help communicate what’s great about your app in an engaging way that keeps their attention. Your description is the perfect area for you to show your target audience that you’ve designed this app specifically for them.

Add a short, concise feature list

Apple recommends including a bulleted list of main features. Remember- your features should highlight the benefits of your app to your users as well as stating what your app does. List your features in a way where users can instantly understand what your app offers them. If a user has to stop and think about how your app’s features work or how they are useful, you may have missed a download opportunity.

Use testimonials to your advantage

After your “first five” and feature list, add some positive feedback you’ve gotten for your app. If your app was featured by Apple, definitely let the users know. If you’ve gotten positive reviews on blogs or iTunes app reviews, let them know as well. This kind of information gives your app credibility and plays into their consideration to download your app. Keep in mind that your description should still be a description, and not just a wall of testimonials. Only include a few, and put them near the end of your description after the features list. description-2

Close the deal

This is an important piece that many descriptions lack. If a user has read your “first five,” your features list and your testimonials, you should close with an exciting call to action that tells them to download the app now. If applicable, you can also use this area to list a support e-mail, company website or privacy policy page. This communicates to the user that they can trust your app and reach out if they have any problems.

Don’t forget- Apple is reading your description, too

Apple has a team that reviews every submission before it goes live in the App Store- it’s not done automatically. This means any nefarious activity like keyword stuffing is a bad idea. It will be seen, flagged, and will likely cause your app to be rejected. Even if it passes Apple, it may be a turn-off to users. That doesn’t mean you can’t put your keywords in your description! If you use keywords correctly and naturally in your description, you should be fine. Spread keywords all throughout your description in a way that reads naturally; use each one a few times throughout your description. If you need to force the keywords you’ve selected into your sentences to explain your app, you may need to choose better keywords that are more relative to what your app does.

Other things to keep in mind

  • Your app description has a 4000 character limit
  • Proofread your description- a few typos or grammatical errors can ruin your credibility
  • Avoid walls of text- try to keep each paragraph to less than 4 lines
  • Don’t do anything bad! Don’t put up fake testimonials, don’t keyword stuff and don’t falsify your features

Basically, a great intro, concise feature list, glowing reviews and sure-fire call to action will be interesting for users to read and could greatly help increase conversion. Having your targeted keywords appropriately distributed throughout your description can help increase your ranking and is OK in Apple’s eyes. If you want further insight into how users are responding to your app description, try running it by an App Focus Group. You may find some great tips right from the users to help you improve even more.

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