Facetune App Store Spotlight

August 14th, 2018

Facetune App Store Spotlight
David Quinn

by David Quinn

VP of Strategy & Partnerships at Gummicube, Inc.

Facetune is a selfie editing app, ranked as the #1 photo and video app in the Apple App Store and with over 1 million downloads on Google Play. For all its success, is it optimized for both the app stores? Let’s shine a spotlight on Facetune and find out.


Facetune’s page on the Apple App Store is very well-optimized, with just a few small exceptions. Potential users are immediately met with a video showing the app in action and demonstrating its features, such as photo editing and filters. Following that are several screenshots showing the same features and how they can be used, along with callout text about them. Facetune iOS creatives With that said, it only has five screenshots. The last one states that the app has even more features, so why not include more screenshots to show them off? Every screenshot is an opportunity to demonstrate the app’s value. The description is also formatted well for the Apple App Store. When viewing the app store page on a mobile device, the short lines and bullet points the description starts with makes it easy to read, and it immediately begins with a quick summary of what it is, words of praise and its high ranking. After the section with the positive reviews the app has received, though, the description does turn into a block of text briefly. This could easily be broken up into a few lines, making it easier to read. The dotted lines separating the sections is also a bit length, as it splits into a line and a half on many devices. Facetune iOS description Following that, it returns to good form, with bullet lists and short sections about each of its features. The description features plenty of keywords used properly throughout, helping it rank highly for searches such as “Selfie edit,” “photo retoucher” and “airbrush photos.” While there are a few areas where Facetune could fine-tune its App Store Optimization, overall, it’s very well-optimized for the Apple App Store.

Google Play

The Google Play page for Facetune has a few similarities and a few differences to the Apple App Store version. This one also starts with a video, but it includes an audio narration talking about all the app’s features while showing them on the screen. It uses identical screenshots, which are still effective, although like on the Apple App Store it could benefit from including more. Facetune GP creatives Facetune’s description on Google Play is formatted differently than on the Apple App Store, indicating that they do pay attention to how the stores need different styles for descriptions. The content is mainly the same, particularly with the text block and features list. This description starts with three bullet points about the main features of the app, cutting straight to the point before getting into the full pitch. The large block of text could still stand to be broken up a little bit, especially since it then leads into the “what people are saying” segment without so much as a space between the lines. The list of features with bullet points works very well on Google Play as well, with the exception of keyword placement. While the description does include keywords, it does not always place them at or near the start of each line, making them harder for Google’s algorithm to find. As such, while Facetune does rank well for keywords such as “retouch selfies” and “face touch up,” its ranking begins to drop for keywords like “photo touch up,” “airbrush app” and “remove blemish.” Yet its creatives and description are overall solid, accounting for high rankings and ratings within the Google Play Store. While there are areas for improvement, it’s certainly on the right track Overall Facetune’s App Store Optimization is mostly solid, with a few areas where it could fine-tune and improve it. The creatives it features are all effective, although it could benefit from more screenshots. The descriptions are well-written and formatted well for both stores, save for some large blocks of text that could easily be fixed. All in all, though, its ASO is effective enough to help it rank highly in search for relevant keywords and convert users. If you want the same or better for your app, ASO is essential.

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