Improve Your Mobile Apps Marketing with App Store Intelligence

February 13th, 2015

Improve Your Mobile Apps Marketing with App Store Intelligence
David Quinn

by David Quinn

VP of Strategy & Partnerships at Gummicube, Inc.

A Simple Strategy to Increase CTR and CRO on Paid Campaigns

The costs associated with user acquisition campaigns are increasing.

Cost per install is up at least 30% year over year.

A larger percentage of advertising budgets are moving to mobile - with forecasts predicting more than quadruple the spend - from $40b globally in 2014 to $169b by 2018.

Locating cost-effective user acquisition channels is one of the primary challenges of mobile apps marketing teams in 2015.

With a focus on:

  • increasing click through rates of ads (CTR), and
  • increasing conversions (CRO)

...more new, relevant users will install your mobile apps per dollar, driving down the cost per new user and opening up more channels for user acquisition.

Mobile Apps Marketing

Starts with Mobile App Store Data

By monitoring real-time trends in the Apple App Store and Google Play, marketers can adjust the calls to action of their ads for better click through rates. Our App Store Intelligence tells us that the vast majority of App Store searches are for 2+ word phrases, and are "features" related. Relevant, trending search phrases help marketers emphasize or prioritize these "frequently searched" features in their ads and copy. An example could be creating advertisements and calls to action around installing the most beautiful "Photo Album" app, when the trending data in the Apple App Store and Google Play shows "Photo Book" is a much more frequent search phrase. Targeting the exact words the market is using to refer to the features of your mobile app can even provide a new stream of ultra-relevant impressions - with ads speaking in the language your prospective users are using.

Use Behavioral Inputs

While A/B testing ads is fairly easy (if costly), A/B and Multivariate testing in the Apple App Store and Google Play is not easy or not possible for some elements. Which ad, copy, icon, screenshots, description, video or app name inspires action? Testing not only your ads and CTAs but your other app elements with relevant end-users in real-time, on their mobile devices can provide actionable insights to spike conversion rates.

Cheap impressions are as useless as

irrelevant downloads.

The modern mobile app marketer wants relevant impressions. Users who will install the app and continue to engage. Who are likely to have a high lifetime value.

Better CTR, CRO and more DAUs! OMG...

Tap into Apple App Store and Google Play search data to improve your CTRs with ultra-relevant calls to action.

Monitor trending search data to focus on new phrases and features to target.

Ask relevant users what encourages them to click or install in real-time, on their devices to save your ad budget, and get you to what works faster.

Our partners are able to optimize their campaigns and increase their daily average users by focusing on how, what and why prospective users are searching for and finding mobile apps. Want More Data-Driven, Mobile App Marketing Content?

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