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Using App Store Trending Keywords in Product Development

Using App Store Trending Keywords in Product Development

Posted on March 26th, 2015

The closer you get to the customer telling you exactly what they want and are willing to pay for - the less risk in building something that flops. There has always been risk in asking your existing users/clients and target markets what they want - where actual purchases represent only a fraction of the "I absolutely need this feature" crowd. This scenario, played out thousands of times over decades, has led to things like the Lean Methodology, MVPs, and even platforms like Kickstarter. One of the most fool-proof approaches to developing new products or new features is to offer a pre-payment at a significant discount, so clients can tell you what they want - with their wallets. For many mobile apps, however; the communication lines to the client are not as open as with other consumer or business products. Most likely - users of your apps pay Apple or Google directly. They may never know your company name despite daily use of your app. Prepaying for a feature is not a supported payment type in either Apple's App Store or Google Play. Hey - we are still waiting (in vain) for 30-day free trials. So - how do mobile app product managers and the development teams reduce the risk of creating features in their apps that no one is willing to pay for?

How to Market an App

How to Market an App

Posted on February 17th, 2015

When we discuss how to market an app, we are essentially focusing on what activities maximize the ROI of app development and mobile app marketing investments. Vanity metrics like downloads are cast aside for metrics related to retention and engagement.

Which Social Networks Support Mobile App Installs?

Which Social Networks Support Mobile App Installs?

Posted on February 12th, 2015

If 2014 was the explosion of Facebook as a mobile app marketing and user acquisition channel - 2015 is shaping up to be the year of alternative channels. Pinterest announced today that they are supporting app downloads, where users can install mobile apps directly from Pinterest with a new product called App Pins. 

Android vs iOS Super Bowl Matchup

Android vs iOS Super Bowl Matchup

Posted on January 30th, 2015

The Super Bowl is Feb 1st, Apple just released their earnings for Q4, Google said they just passed Apple in # of apps. Let's take a look at

App Preview Videos: Tips for iOS App Previews

App Preview Videos: Tips for iOS App Previews

Posted on January 10th, 2015

You’ve perfected your description. Your icon looks great. You’ve uploaded all of the screenshots you need in every required size. Now all that needs to happen is the end-user tapping “GET.” Is there anything else you can do? You can increase your odds with Apple’s new App Preview, a 15-30 second video you can create to get users excited to try your app.