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4 Awesome Free Mobile Analytics Services

4 Awesome Free Mobile Analytics Services

Posted on March 12th, 2016

One way developers can stay ahead of the competition in today's highly competitive business environment is by incorporating data-driven solutions into their mobile apps. Luckily, developers can access a whole host of free and premium mobile analytics tools. With that in mind, here is a look at four awesome free mobile analytics services.

A Comprehensive Overview Of ITunes App Analytics

A Comprehensive Overview Of ITunes App Analytics

Posted on March 11th, 2016

While there are plenty of tools for tracking app performance, iTunes App Analytics stands out from the crowd for a number of reasons. The following information can help you see what this program does, how it works and what its strong and weak points are.

Mobile Marketing Software

Mobile Marketing Software

Posted on February 27th, 2016

From marketing your mobile app to reaching your target audience on their smartphones in any app, taking advantage of the breadth of opportunities in mobile requires the right software tools. Finding the best mobile marketing software tools begins with an understanding of where the mobile opportunities are - which could mean in-app SDKs or software used externally like app store intelligence data.

Google Mobile Analytics

Google Mobile Analytics

Posted on February 18th, 2016

In the early days of mobile apps, marketers used Flurry Analytics in their iOS apps and Google Analytics in their Android apps.

Tips for Designing Mobile App Icons

Tips for Designing Mobile App Icons

Posted on January 27th, 2016

Mobile app usage continues to see unprecedented growth, with top app categories such as messaging, shopping, productivity and gaming contributing to the overall increased usage of mobile apps. The amount of time spent by individuals on digital media is exploding as well. This growth is predominantly being driven by mobile apps. According to comScore's 2015 Mobile App Report, total digital media usage over the past two years has grown by 49%, with mobile app usage up 90%. Companies of all kinds are entering the mobile app space as their customers have made it clear mobile and mobile apps are the preferred medium. One of the main challenges facing mobile app publishers and marketers is the design considerations given the smaller form factor. These design challenges include both in-app UI/UX and maybe the most important graphical element of the app itself - the app icon. The app icon is the first image a potential user sees in search results or when browsing the app stores, and is the graphic that resides on their device once installed.

Screenshot App Marketing Tool Roundup

Screenshot App Marketing Tool Roundup

Posted on January 7th, 2016

With so much effort invested in increasing the visibility of an app in app store search, attention to converting app store views to installs and users can take a back seat. Just a reminder - this is how search results look when searching Apple’s App Store: Notice the 1st two screenshots make up the majority of the app listing in search results? Screenshots have a huge impact on

Mobile App Retention Metrics

Mobile App Retention Metrics

Posted on December 29th, 2015

We have written extensively on this blog about acquiring organic traffic, mobile app visibility and converting app store views to installs and users. One of the key drivers of the value of these users is how long a user keeps using your app - mobile app retention.

Holiday App Marketing Tips

Holiday App Marketing Tips

Posted on December 15th, 2015

The holidays are upon us, with "Black Friday" and "Cyber Monday" pointing to a very mobile holiday season.

Get to Know Your App Market

Get to Know Your App Market

Posted on December 1st, 2015

Like many things in mobile and digital marketing, the mobile app market moves fast. While the very top of the app stores are consistently dominated by mobile-first games and apps - and those with large web user bases migrating to mobile - the top 100 overall and top charts in each category are dynamic. Regularly reviewing the mobile app stores - specifically Apple’s App Store and Google Play - can provide insights and ideas for improved user interfaces (UI), user experience (UX), monetization and more. Below is a starting point. You may develop your own process for reviewing the app market as makes sense for your app or portfolio. To help illustrate a topic we’ll take

App Store Optimization Tips

App Store Optimization Tips

Posted on October 5th, 2015

According to a recent report from comScore, the vast majority of app installs come via the app store, with search being the leading mobile app discovery method. Optimizing an app listing for the app stores continues to be one of app marketing’s highest ROI activities. What follows is 5 app store optimization tips.

How To Rock Mobile App Localization

How To Rock Mobile App Localization

Posted on September 30th, 2015

Make no mistake, the mobile explosion and migration from the web to apps is not just an American or even Western phenomenon.