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Mobile Marketing Best Practices

Mobile Marketing Best Practices

Posted on September 29th, 2015

Just when marketers caught up with websites, social media disrupted the digital marketing landscape. While providing new ways to reach customers, navigating how businesses should use Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn (not to mention Instagram and Pinterest and many more) continues to be a challenge. Now mobile has arrived to the scene, faster and bigger than any technology before it. The only reason they are called “mobile devices” or “smart phones” is because “personal computers” was already taken. It is not just the use of mobile devices that is the story that is changing everything, but the use of mobile apps. To add to the intrigue, mobile devices and apps are not just used while waiting in lines or “on the go”, but while sitting on the couch as the second screen. Like social media and the rise of the web before it, the rapid transition to mobile and mobile apps provides opportunities and challenges.

Submitting an App to Google Play

Submitting an App to Google Play

Posted on September 23rd, 2015

Congrats - you have a mobile app ready for submitting to Google Play! If you don't have a Google Play Publisher account, which provides access to the developer console, you are going to want to sign up for that here.

How Much Does it Cost to Develop an App

How Much Does it Cost to Develop an App

Posted on September 22nd, 2015

The best pace to start with estimating the costs of developing a mobile app is in understanding there is a big range. Functionality, design, service level and development language all impact the final costs of developing a mobile app, and that’s before marketing costs are included. With cars or houses, function and design is often easier to conceptualize for the non-developer. We expect the engine, the suspension, the design, the interior and the add-ons all to impact costs and have some idea of how. For software, specifically mobile apps, it can be hard to know if a specific feature or function is even possible, let alone how much it would cost to add. Let’s remove some of the mystery related to the costs of developing mobile apps by looking at the variables that impact the cost of developing a mobile app the most.

Cross Platform App Development

Cross Platform App Development

Posted on September 9th, 2015

As the dust settles from the wild adoption of mobile devices over the last few years, there appears to be some clear winners and losers. The businesses of Blackberry and Nokia were negatively affected, and attempts to enter the device market by Amazon and Windows are largely failures. But instead of having one clear winner (as is often the case in technology), we have two. Both Apple and their iOS mobile operating system, and Google's Android appear to have carved out significant space in this new mobile world. But the segmentation looks like this: 

How to Create an App and Make Money

How to Create an App and Make Money

Posted on September 2nd, 2015

To create an app that makes money, mobile app publishers and developers need a validated idea, and a plan for acquiring and monetizing users. We have covered user acquisition in various posts, from optimizing an app store listing to paid Facebook campaigns. Here, we will explore common monetization methods for mobile apps and trends likely to impact how apps make money.

App Store Ranking Algorithm and Impact of App Name Length

App Store Ranking Algorithm and Impact of App Name Length

Posted on August 26th, 2015

After some limited volatility in the App Store in mid-July, there were lots of theories as to not only what happened, but if there were some longer-term implications to Apple’s App Store ranking algorithm. The primary claims was that Apple was penalizing apps with long app titles.

Facebook Ads for Mobile Apps - an Overview

Facebook Ads for Mobile Apps - an Overview

Posted on April 17th, 2015

If you have never run an ad campaign on Facebook's advertising platform - you are in for a treat. In this Facebook mobile ads overview - we will introduce terms like look-a-like audiences, custom audiences, Power Editor, conversion pixels and Facebook Insights. We'll review some of the literally hundreds of demographic, behavioral and interest targeting options. Tomorrow we'll cover some best practices including ABT (always be testing), tracking attribution and LTV, and mobile specific examples.