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A/B Testing for App Store Listing Optimization

A/B Testing for App Store Listing Optimization

Posted on June 4th, 2015

Mobile A/B testing is a gateway to increased app performance - if done correctly. In this guide, take a look at what you can do to maximize your testing campaigns.

App Title Length and ASO

App Title Length and ASO

Posted on April 29th, 2015

What is the impact of mobile app name length? If Apple provides 255 characters for my app name - and indexes each word for search, why not just fill it to the brim with keywords? Not only does Apple provide 255 characters for app name, but also weighs keywords found in the app title more heavily than those found in the keywords field.

Do you know these 3 ASO Strategies? - Slides

Do you know these 3 ASO Strategies? - Slides

Posted on March 30th, 2015

Do you know these 3 ASO Strategies? The best app marketing strategies start with a great app store optimization plan. Let's make sure we are maximizing the app listing spaces in Apple's App Store and Google Play with these 3 tips for Mobile App ASO.

Google Trends vs Apple App Store Trending

Google Trends vs Apple App Store Trending

Posted on March 17th, 2015

Since the release of iOS8, Apple has displayed Trending Searches in their app store. We have been tracking Apple App Store and Google Play data since 2011, and have seen just how different web search is from app store search. We thought it would be interesting to take a look at how what Google reports as trending search data via web search in “Google Trends” differed from Apple’s App Store “Trending Searches” data. Going into this data collection and comparison project, I was predicting a few things:

App Store Localization in Mobile App Marketing

App Store Localization in Mobile App Marketing

Posted on March 6th, 2015

App Localization is important because mobile is a global phenomenon - with smartphones surpassing PCs and expected to exceed 2 billion devices in 2015. Consider for 2014:

Mobile App Advertising Costs and ASO

Mobile App Advertising Costs and ASO

Posted on January 22nd, 2015

Chartboost, a leading Mobile Advertising Network, reports Cost Per Install (CPI) has increased from $1.66 to $2.69 over the last 12 months - a rise of 62%. The cost per install is often lower than competing traffic channels, and advertisers often wonder how much they should expect to pay per mobile app install. There are six primary factors that influence an advertiser's CPI.