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What is in a Name? Why Your iOS App’s Name Matters for ASO

What is in a Name? Why Your iOS App’s Name Matters for ASO

Posted on October 19th, 2019

Choosing a name for your app is important in more ways than you might think. Not only is it key for your branding and informing users of its purpose, but it also is essential for App Store Optimization. Your iOS app’s title and subtitle influence your keywords, provide value propositions and have an impact on conversions, so you should fully understand the best practices for naming your app.

iOS 13 Adoption at 50%: What this Means for Your ASO Strategy

iOS 13 Adoption at 50%: What this Means for Your ASO Strategy

Posted on October 18th, 2019

Apple recently announced that iOS half of all Apple devices are currently running iOS 13, including a larger percentage of all devices introduced in the last four years. The latest operating system can run on iPhone SE devices and on, as well as the 7th generation iPod touch, although iPhone 5s, 6 and 6 Plus are no longer supported. This means that developers can potentially gain or lose a large portion of their audience based on how well their apps are designed for the latest operating system, and their App Store Optimization is updated accordingly.

Designing Your Creative Sets for Dark Mode

Designing Your Creative Sets for Dark Mode

Posted on October 9th, 2019

An app’s creative set will be a potential user’s first impression of your app. A study by neuroscience research company Neurons Inc. found that mobile advertisements trigger reactions in less than half a second. Similarly, developers only have a brief moment to make an impactful first impression on users who discover their app while scrolling through App Store search results. A split second can make all the difference in converting users, particularly in search, where 70% of installs come from.

Google Play Experiments: Test for the Best

Google Play Experiments: Test for the Best

Posted on August 8th, 2019

A/B testing is an essential part of an App Store Optimization strategy. It’s crucial to test all aspects of your app’s metadata with different variants of its creatives and description to understand what users react to. Google Play offers Store Listing Experiments, which enable developers to test variants of their app’s page and determine what performs best.

How to Optimize App Store Keywords

How to Optimize App Store Keywords

Posted on August 3rd, 2019

When you’re choosing your keywords for your app, you want to make sure you’re getting the ones that will help your visibility and downloads. You want users to find your app in searches, which will require targeting keywords that are in-demand and related to your app, then working to increase your rankings for them. As keyword optimization is a central part of App Store Optimization, we’ll review how to optimize your App Store keywords.

App Store Keyword Rules to Remember

App Store Keyword Rules to Remember

Posted on June 27th, 2019

When optimizing your app for the App Store, it’s important to choose your keywords wisely. Your keywords will determine what searches your app can show up in, and searches make up 70% of app discoverability, so the importance of keywords for App Store Optimization cannot be overstated. With that in mind, here are some App Store keyword rules and best practices you’ll want to know when optimizing your app.

App Store Optimization Strategies You Can Use Today

App Store Optimization Strategies You Can Use Today

Posted on June 22nd, 2019

App Store Optimization is vital to an app’s success, but often times developers and marketers who are new to ASO can have difficulty figuring out where to start. There are many best practices to learn and understand, so what are the key strategies for implementing them? Today we’re looking at some key App Store Optimization strategies that you can use when starting your ASO process.

Localizing Your App Store Description

Localizing Your App Store Description

Posted on April 11th, 2019

The app market is global, reaching users on every nation and in every language. Many developers have apps available in several countries, which requires localizing their App Store and Play Store listings for the languages they’re available in. As localization is an important part of App Store Optimization, it’s important to understand how to maintain ASO during the translation process.

How Casino Apps Stay Compliant

How Casino Apps Stay Compliant

Posted on March 7th, 2019

Many casino apps have to walk a tricky tightrope of compliance. They seek to provide an engaging casino experience, but they also cannot offer real gambling on the App Store or Google Play Store. So how do casino apps remain compliant, and how does this impact their App Store Optimization strategy?

Avoid App Store Rejection for Loading External Resources

Avoid App Store Rejection for Loading External Resources

Posted on February 23rd, 2019

Often times, users open an app or mobile game they’re eager to use, only to have the app say “Downloading… 1%” at the start screen. They wait, watching the download bar slowly progress, before the app finally finishes launching while a few hundred megabytes larger than anticipated. While this is often times necessary for an app to properly update or run, Apple does place guidelines on how these downloads are prompted and may reject an app if it does not follow them.

Understanding Total Keyword Rankings

Understanding Total Keyword Rankings

Posted on February 8th, 2019

Keywords are essential for getting noticed in the App Store and Google Play Store – not just the keywords with the highest search volumes or a few you’ve picked out, but all of them. In order to reach users, you need to show up in searches. If you want to improve your visibility in search, you need to understand the total scope of your app’s visibility. Understanding the keywords you rank for is one of the cornerstones of App Store Optimization, so let’s take a look at why it’s important.

Search Ads: Basic vs Advanced

Search Ads: Basic vs Advanced

Posted on February 1st, 2019

When Apple released Search Ads Basic and Advanced, it was evident that they’d be important tools for App Store Optimization. Now that Search Ads has become an essential part of improving an app’s visibility on the App Store, it’s important to understand the difference between Basic and Advanced as well as which app developers should use.