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Preparing for Apple’s New App Store Categories

Preparing for Apple’s New App Store Categories

Posted on March 12th, 2020

Apple recently announced the addition of new App Store categories: “Developer Tools” and “Graphics & Design.” When these categories are added, apps across the store are likely to see their rankings change as a result of reindexation. App developers should determine if moving their app to one of the new categories will be beneficial, understand how these changes will shake up rankings and prepare their App Store Optimization accordingly.

App Store Icon Best Practices for ASO

App Store Icon Best Practices for ASO

Posted on March 7th, 2020

The App Store Icon provides users with a first impression of an app before they even click on its page. Whether the app appears as a featured app, in searches or in a category list, users will see the icon. This makes the icon an important creative asset for every app, and an understanding of App Store Optimization best practices for App Store Icons critical to conversion.

App Store Optimization for First-Time Founders

App Store Optimization for First-Time Founders

Posted on February 22nd, 2020

App Store Optimization (ASO) is a term that gets brought up frequently when discussing mobile app marketing, and for good reason. ASO can help a developer reach a wider audience and improve installs, but first-time app developers and founders may not be sure where to start. If you’re a first-time founder looking to understand App Store Optimization, here is what you need to know for getting started with ASO, metrics you need to understand and what to expect when you optimize.

Google Play ASO: What You Need to Know

Google Play ASO: What You Need to Know

Posted on February 1st, 2020

Google Play ASO requires different techniques and strategies than ASO for the Apple App Store. As the stores use different algorithms and have different rules, the same optimizations cannot work on both. App developers ready to launch their Android apps should know how to optimize them for the Google Play Store.

What Are Apple Search Ads?

What Are Apple Search Ads?

Posted on January 23rd, 2020

Apple Search Ads (ASA) is a powerful tool for reaching users on the Apple App Store. In addition to gaining paid installs, a good Search Ads campaign can also benefit an app’s organic growth. As it is a helpful tool for App Store Optimization, developers and marketers looking to start an ASA campaign should know a few key things about Search Ads.

App Store Ranking and ASO

App Store Ranking and ASO

Posted on January 17th, 2020

App Store rankings are key to success on the App Store and Play Store. An app’s ranking determines how easy it is for users to find it in the stores. Since 70% of app discoverability happens in searches, the higher your app ranks for search terms, the better your chances of it being downloaded are. In order to succeed, app developers must understand how the stores determine rankings, as well as how App Store Optimization can help.

App Store Optimization for Translation Apps

App Store Optimization for Translation Apps

Posted on January 16th, 2020

There are multitudes of apps on the market that can serve nearly every need, but with the great variety comes intense competition. Translator apps are a great example of apps with high competition and high demand – which means that App Store Optimization can be a deciding factor in their success. Here are some factors translation app developers should consider for their App Store Optimization strategies.

2019 App Store Optimization: Year in Review

2019 App Store Optimization: Year in Review

Posted on December 20th, 2019

With 2019 nearing its end, it’s time to take a look back and see how App Store Optimization has changed over the past year. The year was filled with changes that impacted all parts of the app ecosystem, from new devices and operating systems to new store guidelines and developer tools. Let’s take a trip through the year and see some of the biggest changes to come out of 2019.

What Makes a Good App: Apple and Google’s Best of 2019 & ASO

What Makes a Good App: Apple and Google’s Best of 2019 & ASO

Posted on December 13th, 2019

With 2019 coming to an end, Apple and Google have announced their picks for the top apps of the year. Apple’s “App of the Year” and Google’s “Best of 2019” winners are good examples of what makes a successful app. Of course, even the best apps can still benefit from App Store Optimization, so we can see how ASO impacts these apps and their success. Let’s take a look at some of the winners and see what they can tell us about what makes a good app.

What is ASO? Get Started Optimizing Your App

What is ASO? Get Started Optimizing Your App

Posted on December 4th, 2019

New app developers may feel overwhelmed trying to get their apps discovered on the stores. They may have heard that App Store Optimization (ASO) is important to succeed, but might not know what ASO is or how to get started. As such, we’re here to answer the first question every developer looking into App Store Optimization needs to ask: what is ASO?

Why Retailers Need Shopping Apps & ASO

Why Retailers Need Shopping Apps & ASO

Posted on November 21st, 2019

The key success factor in any industry, especially amongst retailers, is the continual optimization for consumer buying trends as new technology emerges. Shopping has changed from brick and mortar stores to e-commerce, then from e-commerce to m-commerce. This shift in consumer shopping behavior has impacted many retailers' bottom line.

Mobile Game Localization: More Than Just Translation

Mobile Game Localization: More Than Just Translation

Posted on October 31st, 2019

Apps and mobile game developers typically want to reach a worldwide audience. Getting users around the world to enjoy an app can be both profitable and fulfilling. In order to reach users overseas, they’ll have to localize their apps for each region. The localization process extends beyond the app itself – localizing an app’s ASO is also important, especially for mobile games trying to reach a wider audience.