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Building an App Store Optimization Strategy

Building an App Store Optimization Strategy

Posted on November 5th, 2015

If you want to tap into app store search traffic, you need to develop a strategy for optimizing a mobile app's store listing . In this article we'll cover building an app store optimization strategy for higher rankings and more organic app installs.

ASO for Beginners

ASO for Beginners

Posted on November 4th, 2015

Building, measuring and adjusting an app listing for the app stores is called app store optimization or ASO. In this article we are going to introduce ASO for beginners, why ASO is important, the main topics and key considerations for an optimized mobile app.

Mobile App Reviews for ASO

Mobile App Reviews for ASO

Posted on October 28th, 2015

Apple and Google both use app store reviews and app store ratings in their app store search ranking algorithms. App store optimization as a practice and strategy is evolving as are the app store ranking algorithms that help to shape ASO. Because the app store rankings algorithms are not shared publically, and differ between Apple and Google,

App Store Optimization Tools

App Store Optimization Tools

Posted on October 22nd, 2015

Building and optimizing your app listing to tap into the massive organic traffic searching the app stores daily takes the right app store optimization tools. Below we will cover some of the very best ASO tools, from getting ratings and reviews, to designing descriptions and screenshots that convert with your target audience and more. While this list is not in any particular order, a good place to start is with working with your target audience.

App Store Optimization PDF

App Store Optimization PDF

Posted on October 22nd, 2015

Positioning mobile apps in the app stores globally for discovery and installs from the massive organic app store search traffic volumes is one of the best long-term strategies for success in the app stores. Creating an app store listing, testing and regularly adjusting to changing market demands is called app store optimization or ASO. In the below whitepaper, we will introduce:

5 Smart Strategies For App Store Screenshots

5 Smart Strategies For App Store Screenshots

Posted on October 7th, 2015

Without looking, do you know which element of an app listing makes up 75% of the view in the app store search results? Here is what Apple’s app store search results look like on my iPhone 6: The first result is Twitter’s Periscope. While the listing includes the app name, publisher, icon and even ratings, the first two screenshots take center stage. Optimizing an app listing for visibility in search results consumes a lot of what’s talked about in ASO, but converting viewers is how we actually acquire users. And since the screenshots are such a big part of the view a potential user sees when navigating the app store - we need to make sure our screenshots are optimized for conversion.

App Store Optimization Tips

App Store Optimization Tips

Posted on October 5th, 2015

According to a recent report from comScore, the vast majority of app installs come via the app store, with search being the leading mobile app discovery method. Optimizing an app listing for the app stores continues to be one of app marketing’s highest ROI activities. What follows is 5 app store optimization tips.

White Hat ASO vs Black Hat ASO

White Hat ASO vs Black Hat ASO

Posted on October 3rd, 2015

Any time there is an algorithm that determines where an object (website, book, mobile app, etc..) ranks for a specific search, there are ways to improve the object’s ranking. For example, a book on Amazon is much more likely to be ranked highly in a search if the title of the book contains the searched for words. Practices for optimizing a mobile app for the

How To Rock Mobile App Localization

How To Rock Mobile App Localization

Posted on September 30th, 2015

Make no mistake, the mobile explosion and migration from the web to apps is not just an American or even Western phenomenon.

Mobile Marketing Best Practices

Mobile Marketing Best Practices

Posted on September 29th, 2015

Just when marketers caught up with websites, social media disrupted the digital marketing landscape. While providing new ways to reach customers, navigating how businesses should use Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn (not to mention Instagram and Pinterest and many more) continues to be a challenge. Now mobile has arrived to the scene, faster and bigger than any technology before it. The only reason they are called “mobile devices” or “smart phones” is because “personal computers” was already taken. It is not just the use of mobile devices that is the story that is changing everything, but the use of mobile apps. To add to the intrigue, mobile devices and apps are not just used while waiting in lines or “on the go”, but while sitting on the couch as the second screen. Like social media and the rise of the web before it, the rapid transition to mobile and mobile apps provides opportunities and challenges.

Submitting an App to Google Play

Submitting an App to Google Play

Posted on September 23rd, 2015

Congrats - you have a mobile app ready for submitting to Google Play! If you don't have a Google Play Publisher account, which provides access to the developer console, you are going to want to sign up for that here.