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My App Got Rejected: What Do I Do Now?

My App Got Rejected: What Do I Do Now?

Posted on April 27th, 2019

After spending countless hours programming and testing an app, it can be disheartening to submit it to the App Store only to receive a rejection email. Not only that, but if an app is rejected, it can prevent deployments of new keywords, screenshots and features, which has a negative impact on the app’s App Store Optimization. Fortunately, being rejected isn’t the end – Apple will provide you with feedback and reasons behind the rejection, so you can resolve the issues and get your app back on the store.

Foldable Phones and App Store Optimization

Foldable Phones and App Store Optimization

Posted on April 25th, 2019

Android Foldables are on the way, in spite of issues with the screen causing delays. Once users begin using foldable devices, they’ll want to find apps that can work well on their new phones and look good whether the phone is folded or unfolded. This will present a new opportunity for developers to optimize their apps for foldable users to find and install, following proper ASO strategies.

App Store Guidelines: Little Things That Can Get You Rejected

App Store Guidelines: Little Things That Can Get You Rejected

Posted on April 20th, 2019

Apple’s guidelines are strict rules for apps sold on the App Store, covering all aspects of the listing. It’s important to follow every guideline, even the easily overlooked ones; this is important for App Store Optimization as well as being accepted or rejected from the store. Overlooking little details can result in apps being rejected or removed from the App Store, so it’s important to remember these key guidelines when designing and updating your app.

Ensure Your App Appears in the Right Searches

Ensure Your App Appears in the Right Searches

Posted on April 13th, 2019

When users search the App Store and Google Play Store, they have certain expectations that come with each keyword. Just like they wouldn’t want to see a makeup app while searching for a baseball app, they don’t want to see gory content when searching for children’s games. App Store Optimization is intended to help developers ensure their apps appear before the right users in their searches, so you don’t get overlooked, or worse, flagged.

First Impressions: The Importance of Immediate Attention on Mobile Marketing

First Impressions: The Importance of Immediate Attention on Mobile Marketing

Posted on March 9th, 2019

When a user sees a mobile ad, how much time does it need to leave a first impression? Ten seconds? Two seconds? According to research from The Wall Street Journal, the most lasting impression happens in less than a second. This research can be applied towards App Store Optimization when designing an app listing’s creative content to make the best impression on users.

The Importance of a Developer Page

The Importance of a Developer Page

Posted on March 2nd, 2019

When a developer publishes apps on the Google Play Store, they can also create a developer page. This is more than just a list of their published apps – it’s a place where users can get to know who the developer is and learn who they’re getting apps from. Perhaps even more importantly, the text used here is indexed in Google Play store search. As such, a good developer page can be helpful for an app’s optimization on Google Play.

Web Search vs Mobile Search

Web Search vs Mobile Search

Posted on February 28th, 2019

The world runs on data. Data can tell you what people want, how they behave and what they’re looking for, all of which are essential for marketing an app. When you use data, it must be accurate and relevant to your market – while this should go without saying, many developers still make the mistake of relying on web data for their App Store Optimization instead of mobile data. If you want your app to succeed on the App Store and Google Play Store, you need to use data from mobile searches.

Maintaining Momentum After Being Featured

Maintaining Momentum After Being Featured

Posted on February 14th, 2019

Getting featured on the App Store or Google Play Store can be a great benefit for an app. Not only is it a validation of the app’s success and enjoyability, but it also increases its visibility significantly. Users will be able to see the app right from the front page and it comes with the store’s recommendation. After being featured, however, many apps see sharp drop offs in their installation numbers – so how can App Store Optimization help an app maintain momentum after it’s been featured?

App Store Algorithms: What’s the Difference?

App Store Algorithms: What’s the Difference?

Posted on February 7th, 2019

Publishing an app on the Apple App requires a different set of strategies and formatting than publishing on the Google Play Store. This is an important guideline of App Store Optimization and the reason why a proper ASO strategy requires designing different descriptions and utilizing different metadata for each store.

Why You Should Pre-Optimize Your App

Why You Should Pre-Optimize Your App

Posted on February 2nd, 2019

When is the best time to optimize your app? While some developers may wait until after an app launches to see where their App Store Optimization needs to improve, it may be a wiser choice to optimize ahead of time. Pre-optimizing an app can help you start off strong from the moment you launch.

Organic vs Paid Acquisition: Which Channels Perform Best

Organic vs Paid Acquisition: Which Channels Perform Best

Posted on January 24th, 2019

App marketers often wonder what the best way to acquire users is. Do paid or organic channels acquire more users? Are the users higher quality from one or the other? While both organic and paid channels are essential to maximize your app’s outreach, it’s worth comparing the two acquisition channels to better understand their importance and impact on App Store Optimization.

Optimize Your App's Creatives to Improve CTR

Optimize Your App's Creatives to Improve CTR

Posted on January 17th, 2019

When a user finds your app in searches, what do you want them to see first? You control that with the creatives your app page uses. These set your first impression and can have a big impact on your click-through-rate (CTR), making creative optimization an essential part of App Store Optimization.