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App Store Connect: What App Developers Should Know

App Store Connect: What App Developers Should Know

Posted on July 27th, 2019

App Store Connect, previously called iTunes Connect, is Apple’s control hub for apps. Anything that impacts an app, from its metadata to its metrics, are found here. As such, it’s important to understand how App Store Connect works, especially in relation to deploying an app’s App Store Optimization.

App Privacy Concerns and ASO

App Privacy Concerns and ASO

Posted on July 19th, 2019

Over the past few days, social media quickly filled with posts from an app called FaceApp, which uses AI to edit photos of users faces. Just as quickly, users began raising privacy concerns with the app, such as cloud photo storage and unauthorized access to the user’s photo library. Whether or not these fears are founded, it provides a solid example of why apps should be upfront about privacy and security.

Fake App Reviews Cause App Store Concerns

Fake App Reviews Cause App Store Concerns

Posted on July 12th, 2019

Reviews are valuable to an app for many reasons. They can signal to other users if an app is well-liked, provide developers with feedback on issues or ways they can improve, and are helpful for App Store Optimization. It’s no wonder that developers would want their apps to receive positive reviews, but it’s important to gain the reviews properly. New reports of fake reviews have surfaced, so developers need to understand why they should avoid underhanded methods of inflating their rankings and how to naturally improve their reputation.

App Store Keyword Search Volume: What You Need to Know

App Store Keyword Search Volume: What You Need to Know

Posted on July 11th, 2019

Choosing the right keywords can make a big difference in your app’s success. They’ll help determine what users will see your app and how many searches it will appear in, so choosing what keywords you’ll want is a major part of App Store Optimization. The App Store keyword search volume is one of the most important things to consider when choosing your keywords, so here are some things you’ll want to know when deciding.

App Store Keyword Ranking: Why it Matters and How You Can Improve Yours

App Store Keyword Ranking: Why it Matters and How You Can Improve Yours

Posted on June 29th, 2019

For an app to thrive on the App Store, it needs visibility in searches. The days where an app’s category ranking determines its success are long gone – today, keyword rankings are what matter the most, as the majority of app discovery takes place in search. As a major factor of App Store Optimization is improving your keyword rankings, one should understand how they work on the App Store and why they’re important.

iOS 13 Beta Introduces Subscription Cancelation Prompts

iOS 13 Beta Introduces Subscription Cancelation Prompts

Posted on June 20th, 2019

Apple maintains an important balance with subscription apps. It wants to incentivize users to subscribe with new discounts and bundles while preventing apps from using predatory tactics to make users buy expensive subscriptions. With the latest addition to the iOS 13 beta, it’s working on helping users avoid accidentally staying subscribed to deleted apps. This will be an important shift for apps with subscription services and may impact their App Store Optimization.

User Tracking, App Store Compliance & ASO

User Tracking, App Store Compliance & ASO

Posted on June 15th, 2019

Earlier this year, Facebook found itself at the center of a firestorm when it released an app that let it monitor everything users sent or did on their phones. The app, called Facebook Research, was designed to gather information on usage habits. Although it did offer users payments in exchange for their data, it was still given to users as young as 13. When Apple removed it, the company also revoked Facebook’s ability to publish apps like it. However, Facebook recently announced that it is recruiting participants to try a similar app on Google Play – this can provide an important lesson about working within the rules and guidelines of the App Store and Google Play Store to maintain a presence.

iOS 13’s Small Updates That Can Impact ASO

iOS 13’s Small Updates That Can Impact ASO

Posted on June 14th, 2019

When iOS 13 was announced at WWDC 2019, Apple unveiled several enhancements and features that would be appearing in the next new operating system. However, as the company reveals more information, we’re beginning to learn about other enhancements and changes that apps can utilize for their App Store Optimization strategies.

Apple Watch App Store Optimization

Apple Watch App Store Optimization

Posted on June 13th, 2019

While WWDC 2019 was filled with many major announcements, one important piece of news was a new App Store designed for watchOS. While previously, users would have to purchase apps from the iOS App Store to access the watchOS versions, this new wrist-mounted storefront will allow users to download apps directly to their Apple Watch even when their phones are elsewhere. Since users are going to start searching for Apple Watch apps directly from their watches, it’s important to think ahead and contemplate App Store Optimization strategies for watchOS apps.

Marketing Your AR App With ASO

Marketing Your AR App With ASO

Posted on May 18th, 2019

Augmented reality is an app trend that’s been growing consistently. It’s expanded from mobile games to apps for shopping, measuring, decorations and more. As AR continues to find new uses, app developers have to think about how to make their augmented reality app stand out and attract users. App Store Optimization best practices can help an AR app showcase its features and attract new users.

My App Got Rejected: What Do I Do Now?

My App Got Rejected: What Do I Do Now?

Posted on April 27th, 2019

After spending countless hours programming and testing an app, it can be disheartening to submit it to the App Store only to receive a rejection email. Not only that, but if an app is rejected, it can prevent deployments of new keywords, screenshots and features, which has a negative impact on the app’s App Store Optimization. Fortunately, being rejected isn’t the end – Apple will provide you with feedback and reasons behind the rejection, so you can resolve the issues and get your app back on the store.