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Apple Error Reports Inaccurate Deletion Data

Apple Error Reports Inaccurate Deletion Data

Posted on November 9th, 2019

Your app’s install and uninstall rates are critical metrics to understand, and can help shape your development and App Store Optimization strategies. High uninstall rates from App Store Connect should be red flags to developers that something is wrong with a release, such as a retention issue or a bug causing users to delete the app.

Google Fights Malicious Apps with App Defense Alliance

Google Fights Malicious Apps with App Defense Alliance

Posted on November 8th, 2019

Google has been pushing to ensure the apps available on the Google Play Store are safe from malware and adware. The company’s latest effort is a partnership with security firms in what they call the App Defense Alliance. This initiative designed to identify and remove apps with hidden adware, subscription scams and more, so developers should ensure that their apps are secure or risk removal.

Google Play Points and ASO

Google Play Points and ASO

Posted on November 7th, 2019

Google recently announced that Google Play Points, a rewards system that offers points for every purchase a user makes, will be made available in the United States. The reward system, which has already seen success in Japan and Korea, is designed to encourage purchases on the Google Play Store. Developers offering rewards through Google Play Points can utilize it as part of their App Store Optimization to further drive downloads.

Yummly App Store Spotlight

Yummly App Store Spotlight

Posted on November 5th, 2019

Yummly is a recipe and shopping list app made to help users find recipes suited for their tastes and needs. With Thanksgiving approaching, apps like Yummly will see increased usage, so improving the app’s App Store Optimization can help it stand out from its competitors. For this week’s App Store Spotlight, we take a look at Yummly to see if it’s ready for the season.

Gwent App Mini-Spotlight

Gwent App Mini-Spotlight

Posted on November 2nd, 2019

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game recently hit the App Store and is already ranking strong. While it is not yet available on Google Play, analyzing its App Store Optimization can provide good insights for developers looking to compete or learn from its success, as well as see how the app’s page can improve and work should the game be made available on Google Play.

Halloween App Store Optimization: How Seasonality Lead to Success

Halloween App Store Optimization: How Seasonality Lead to Success

Posted on November 1st, 2019

Now that it’s Halloween, the App Store and Google Play Store are showcasing apps designed or updated for the holiday. We’ve stressed the importance of seasonality, and this is where seasonal updates for Halloween pay off. What apps built App Store Optimization strategies for Halloween and how well did they succeed? Here’s how Halloween seasonality benefited them.

Mobile Game Localization: More Than Just Translation

Mobile Game Localization: More Than Just Translation

Posted on October 31st, 2019

Apps and mobile game developers typically want to reach a worldwide audience. Getting users around the world to enjoy an app can be both profitable and fulfilling. In order to reach users overseas, they’ll have to localize their apps for each region. The localization process extends beyond the app itself – localizing an app’s ASO is also important, especially for mobile games trying to reach a wider audience.

Escape Game: Autumn App Store Spotlight

Escape Game: Autumn App Store Spotlight

Posted on October 29th, 2019

The Escape Game apps are a series of mobile games by Jammsworks Inc, each with a different theme. They’re mobile apps based off escape rooms, where users must uncover hidden clues and solve puzzles to escape the room. With Fall well underway, apps with an autumnal theme can capitalize on seasonality to grow. For this week’s App Store Spotlight, we take a look at Escape Game: Autumn and its App Store Optimization.

Fall Seasonality for ASO

Fall Seasonality for ASO

Posted on October 26th, 2019

As the seasons change, so do user interests and searches. Certain terms will grow or wane in popularity, presenting new opportunities for app developers to improve their App Store Optimization. Now that Halloween is almost over, it’s time for developers to think about the next steps for including seasonality in their ASO strategies.

Digital Wellbeing Apps: Google’s Offerings & Developer Opportunities

Digital Wellbeing Apps: Google’s Offerings & Developer Opportunities

Posted on October 25th, 2019

Following the Android Dev Summit, Google has revealed five new experimental apps, along with instructions on how to design similar ones, to demonstrate how apps can be used to assist with mental well-being in a digital era. Called the Digital Wellbeing Experiments, Google is providing open code and a “Hack Pack” for developers to design their own apps to “help people find a better balance with technology.” As developers work with the experiments or compete with their own wellbeing apps, they should understand how App Store Optimization can help their success.

Android Dev Summit 2019 Highlights

Android Dev Summit 2019 Highlights

Posted on October 24th, 2019

The 2019 Android Dev Summit has begun, with two days of announcements and sessions. Now that the keynote has ended, there are a number of announcements and highlights that developers should consider for app development and App Store Optimization.

Dumb Ways to Draw App Store Spotlight

Dumb Ways to Draw App Store Spotlight

Posted on October 22nd, 2019

Dumb Ways to Draw is a game where players use the touchscreen of their mobile devices to draw on the game screen and get bean-shaped characters to safety. The game recently updated for Halloween with special event levels and is featured on the iOS App Store. It also happens to be the subject of this week’s App Store Spotlight, so let’s take a look at Dumb Ways to Draw and see if its App Store Optimization helps it draw in users.