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Google Play Adds Suggested Replies & Pre-Registration Perks

Google Play Adds Suggested Replies & Pre-Registration Perks

Posted on May 10th, 2019

The Google Play Store has updated with new features for app developers. These are designed to incentivize users to help improve responsiveness and let user reviews pre-register for upcoming apps. Both are important aspects of App Store Optimization, so the new tools can be used to enhance an app’s ASO on the Google Play Store.

Google I/O 2019: Announcements App Developers Should Know

Google I/O 2019: Announcements App Developers Should Know

Posted on May 8th, 2019

Google I/O has wrapped up its keynote and unveiled new technology, devices and services. With several new advancements and devices on the way, developers should be aware of several changes that they can integrate into their App Store Optimization strategies or utilize ASO to capitalize on. Here are the major announcements from the keynote.

Uno App Store Spotlight

Uno App Store Spotlight

Posted on May 7th, 2019

Uno is a popular card game played around the world. Its app allows players to enjoy the game on the go with friends or solo, with a variety of rules options and tournaments. Is the app optimized to be the top draw on the App Store and Play Store, or is it shuffled to the bottom of the search results? For this week’s App Store Spotlight, we take a look at Uno and see.

Google I/O: What Can We Expect?

Google I/O: What Can We Expect?

Posted on May 4th, 2019

Google I/O is fast approaching, and already the app world is abuzz with anticipation. The yearly conference tends announce new devices, software and technology, all of which are important for app developers and their App Store Optimization strategies. With the event only a few days away, it’s time to take a look at what one can anticipate and look forward to from the event.

Apple Restricts Screen Time & Parental Control Apps: How ASO Can Help

Apple Restricts Screen Time & Parental Control Apps: How ASO Can Help

Posted on May 3rd, 2019

Several developers, whose apps are designed to reduce screen time or implement parental controls, have reported being removed or restricted from the Apple App Store. Apple has stated that some of the apps were removed for using Mobile Device Management technology against the App Store Guidelines. However, there are accusations that the removals are instead to reduce competitors for its own Screen Time feature. No matter what the reason, developers can help keep their app safe and compete with Screen Time through proper App Store Optimization.

Google Enables Android Automotive OS App Development

Google Enables Android Automotive OS App Development

Posted on May 2nd, 2019

Back in March 2017, Google announced the Android Automotive OS. This Android operating system is designed to provide easy access to apps for driving, such as navigation and communications apps, without distracting drivers. Android Automotive OS apps can sync with a car’s built-in infotainment system, connecting the app and car. Now, two years after the initial announcement, Google is encouraging developers to begin creating Android Auto apps – which means that they’ll need App Store Optimization to succeed in the Play Store.

MARVEL Contest of Champions App Store Spotlight

MARVEL Contest of Champions App Store Spotlight

Posted on April 30th, 2019

With “Avengers: Endgame” breaking box office records, the hype for “Avengers” continues to grow. Anything with the Marvel name is aiming to capitalize on it,, such as the mobile game “MARVEL Contest of Champions.” While the game features Marvel characters battling for supremacy, is the app winning its own battle for keyword rankings in the App Store and Google Play Store? For this week’s App Store Spotlight, we take a look at Contest of Champions and see if its App Store Optimization is a marvel itself.

My App Got Rejected: What Do I Do Now?

My App Got Rejected: What Do I Do Now?

Posted on April 27th, 2019

After spending countless hours programming and testing an app, it can be disheartening to submit it to the App Store only to receive a rejection email. Not only that, but if an app is rejected, it can prevent deployments of new keywords, screenshots and features, which has a negative impact on the app’s App Store Optimization. Fortunately, being rejected isn’t the end – Apple will provide you with feedback and reasons behind the rejection, so you can resolve the issues and get your app back on the store.

Google Play Awards: How ASO Can Help You Get Nominated

Google Play Awards: How ASO Can Help You Get Nominated

Posted on April 26th, 2019

Google has announced the nominees for the Google Play Awards, which recognizes the top apps and games for Android devices. The winners will be announced just before Google I/O 2019, set to be held May 7-9. Being nominated itself is an honor, but developers can utilize App Store Optimization best practices to increase their chances of getting noticed, while nominees can utilize their status for their own ASO.

Foldable Phones and App Store Optimization

Foldable Phones and App Store Optimization

Posted on April 25th, 2019

Android Foldables are on the way, in spite of issues with the screen causing delays. Once users begin using foldable devices, they’ll want to find apps that can work well on their new phones and look good whether the phone is folded or unfolded. This will present a new opportunity for developers to optimize their apps for foldable users to find and install, following proper ASO strategies.

Dropbox App Store Spotlight

Dropbox App Store Spotlight

Posted on April 23rd, 2019

Dropbox is an app and website allowing users to upload, store and share files. It’s a useful tool for workplace collaboration, syncing files across devices and editing files remotely. Does the website’s popularity translate into a successful app, or could it be improved with proper App Store Optimization? For this week’s App Store Spotlight, we drop in on Dropbox and see how well it’s performing in the stores.

App Store Guidelines: Little Things That Can Get You Rejected

App Store Guidelines: Little Things That Can Get You Rejected

Posted on April 20th, 2019

Apple’s guidelines are strict rules for apps sold on the App Store, covering all aspects of the listing. It’s important to follow every guideline, even the easily overlooked ones; this is important for App Store Optimization as well as being accepted or rejected from the store. Overlooking little details can result in apps being rejected or removed from the App Store, so it’s important to remember these key guidelines when designing and updating your app.