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Google Changes App Approval Process

Google Changes App Approval Process

Posted on August 17th, 2019

Until recently, Google Play would have apps reviewed and approved or rejected within hours of submission. That is now changing with a new Play Store policy, wherein apps will take up to three days for approval. Developers will want to keep this in mind when planning new releases and updates for their apps.

Google Play Adds Tags

Google Play Adds Tags

Posted on August 16th, 2019

Google has recently added a new feature to the Play Store, allowing developers to add tags to their apps. While the feature is just rolling out to developers, it’s important to monitor the impact these tags will have on App Store Optimization and an app’s rankings for keywords tied to them.

Apple Search Ads Changes Default Creatives

Apple Search Ads Changes Default Creatives

Posted on August 15th, 2019

Apple Search Ads is a great tool for marketing your mobile app; it can help put your app in front of users while contributing to its organic growth. With that in mind, developers running Search Ads should monitor their campaigns closely, as any changes to the program can impact ongoing campaigns.

Boxed App Store Spotlight

Boxed App Store Spotlight

Posted on August 13th, 2019

There’s a plethora of shopping apps on the App Store and Google Play Store, each trying to find a different niche to target. Boxed is a shopping app that delivers in bulk at wholesale prices, in order to meet consumer demands for both quantity and affordability. No matter how much the bulk or how low the price, consumers won’t buy from them if they can’t find the app, which is why App Store Optimization is so important. For this week’s App Store Spotlight, we take a look at Boxed and unpack its ASO.

iOS App Privacy and VoIP Data Collection

iOS App Privacy and VoIP Data Collection

Posted on August 9th, 2019

Apple is making a change to its operating system with the release of iOS 13, designed to improve user security. This change will impact several apps, particularly those with VoIP capabilities. Apps with those capabilities should prepare to update accordingly. Failure to do so can result in getting removed from the App Store, which can have long-lasting impacts on its App Store Optimization. At the same time, apps that do update can use this opportunity to stay ahead of the competition as competing apps are impacted by the change.

Google Play Experiments: Test for the Best

Google Play Experiments: Test for the Best

Posted on August 8th, 2019

A/B testing is an essential part of an App Store Optimization strategy. It’s crucial to test all aspects of your app’s metadata with different variants of its creatives and description to understand what users react to. Google Play offers Store Listing Experiments, which enable developers to test variants of their app’s page and determine what performs best.

Mailchimp App Store Spotlight

Mailchimp App Store Spotlight

Posted on August 6th, 2019

Mailchimp is an email marketing platform for small businesses, with a companion app designed to enable users to manage their contacts and emails from their mobile devices. While the app’s team understands multiple facets of marketing, mobile marketing requires a different set of tools and knowledge – specifically, it requires App Store Optimization. In this week’s App Store Spotlight, we take a look at Mailchimp and see if its ASO is up to the task.

How to Optimize App Store Keywords

How to Optimize App Store Keywords

Posted on August 3rd, 2019

When you’re choosing your keywords for your app, you want to make sure you’re getting the ones that will help your visibility and downloads. You want users to find your app in searches, which will require targeting keywords that are in-demand and related to your app, then working to increase your rankings for them. As keyword optimization is a central part of App Store Optimization, we’ll review how to optimize your App Store keywords.

Google Play Introduces Premium Subscription Service

Google Play Introduces Premium Subscription Service

Posted on August 2nd, 2019

Google Play is preparing to launch a new subscription service, which will provide users with access to premium Android apps and all in-app purchases for a monthly fee. While the Play Pass service is still underway, it may create future opportunities for app developers to reach new audiences when supported with App Store Optimization.

Google Play Updates Console Data

Google Play Updates Console Data

Posted on August 1st, 2019

Google Play has announced new changes to the Developer Console, designed to provide new insights into installs and performance. These changes can be used to gain an in-depth look into your app, which can help you fine tune your App Store Optimization strategy. With that in mind, let’s take a look at the new changes and see how they can help your app, as well as what the data can’t tell you that ASO software can.

Cats Are Cute App Store Spotlight

Cats Are Cute App Store Spotlight

Posted on July 30th, 2019

There’s no denying the popularity of cats on the internet. Between videos, memes and cats achieving celebrity status, it’s no wonder that there are plenty of apps dedicated to cats as well. For this week’s App Store Spotlight, we take a look at the aptly-named app “Cats are Cute” and see if it’s optimized to succeed on the App Store and Play Store. Does it roar like a lion, or has the cat got its tongue?

App Store Connect: What App Developers Should Know

App Store Connect: What App Developers Should Know

Posted on July 27th, 2019

App Store Connect, previously called iTunes Connect, is Apple’s control hub for apps. Anything that impacts an app, from its metadata to its metrics, are found here. As such, it’s important to understand how App Store Connect works, especially in relation to deploying an app’s App Store Optimization.